Interesting Facts About Pectin: Properties And Benefits

Pectins are vegetable fibers with various health-promoting properties. Find out today why they are important in your diet and what foods contain them. 

Interesting facts about pectin: properties and benefits

Pectin  is a plant fiber that is found in certain types of fruit and that, when combined with water, forms a gel. It is used as a thickener in conjunction with sugar or sugar acid.

The amount of pectin available  depends on the degree of ripeness of the fruit. The more ripe the fruit, the less pectin it contains. Quinces, apples and citrus fruits are particularly high in pectin.

In the food industry, this plant fiber is used in particular to make jam. This can reduce the amount of sugar and thicken the product. This also reduces the cooking time. It is particularly advantageous that you get more jam per kilo of fruit.

Properties of pectin

  • Pectin has the ability to regulate the lipid balance as this plant fiber absorbs the juices produced by the liver in the intestine. This helps to eliminate LDL cholesterol.
  • The plant fiber is also beneficial for intestinal problems. Since it increases the volume of the food bolus in combination with water,  it also improves symptoms such as diarrhea or constipation.
  • It is a practically calorie-free substance. This allows food intake to be controlled without adding any other energy sources. It is therefore an excellent way to stay full longer. So pectin is interesting in weight loss diets, as it can reduce the need to eat all the time.
  • Pectin absorbs sugars and fats in the intestines while preventing them from being absorbed. This is another reason why it is beneficial for all those who want to lose weight.
  • It also increases the excretion of bile and therefore regulates blood pressure.
    Properties of pectin
    Apples, citrus fruits and quinces contain a lot of pectin!

    Why is fiber important in the diet?

    The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends the daily consumption of fiber, both soluble and insoluble. Science has shown that these plant fibers improve the microbiota of the gut. They also protect against certain types of cancer associated with the digestive system. Symptoms of certain intestinal diseases can also be alleviated with it.

    The consumption of fiber is also essential for diabetics  to regulate the sugar balance and to be able to deal with this disease more easily. In recent years it has also been established how important the health of our intestinal flora is.

    The healthy bacterial colonies of the microbiota  are closely related to healthy intestinal function,  reduce the risk of depression and also improve athletic performance. It should not be forgotten that they prevent complex and chronic diseases at the same time.

    To keep the gut flora healthy,  probiotic (like yogurt) and prebiotic foods are essential. The latter contain indigestible substances that stimulate the growth of selected bacteria. These are certain types of fiber.

    Pectin in citrus fruits
    Some dietary supplements contain pectin. The best way to get this substance, however, is to eat fresh fruits and vegetables.

    The problem of manufactured foods

    In recent years, more and more industrially manufactured foods can be found in the trade. These contain a high proportion of sugar and very little fiber. However, when the consumption of fiber is low, bowel functions deteriorate and the risk of disease increases with it.

    In order to prevent this situation, it is of the utmost importance to eat enough fruit. The pectin contained in it increases – as already mentioned – the volume of the food bolus and cleans the intestinal walls. This also improves the synthesis of short-chain fatty acids in the intestine.

    These fatty acids  play a very important and positive role in inflammatory processes  and guarantee the proper functioning of the intestine. It also reduces the risk of disease.

    Conclusion: That’s why you should take pectin as part of a healthy diet!

    Pectin is a plant fiber that is used in the food industry as a thickener. It is naturally found in fruit and promotes intestinal health. In addition, pectin is essential in the prevention of intestinal diseases such as diarrhea or constipation.

    In addition  , researchers associate this plant fiber with healthier blood pressure and the regulation of blood sugar levels. The combination of pectin with prebiotic and probiotic foods is particularly interesting.

    This can  stimulate the growth of selected bacteria. In addition, pectin promotes the formation of short-chain fatty acids in the intestine, which have an anti-inflammatory effect.

    If you want to take more pectin,  you should definitely eat fresh fruit and avoid industrially manufactured products as much as possible. With regular consumption of citrus fruits and apples, you can absorb not only pectin, but other important nutrients as well.

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