Inflammation Of The Lymph Nodes

What do you know about your lymph nodes and their health? In our article we give you various information on the topic.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes

Often the inflammation of the lymph nodes is not associated with any further consequences, especially if it is caused by other inflammations.

However, it is always best to monitor their condition to rule out other diseases. Therefore, you should definitely see a doctor if you have inflamed lymph nodes .

If, for example , there is swelling in the neck when you have a cold , the lymph nodes are inflamed. These nodules are important for our body as they act as a filter station for tissue fluid.

They are almond-shaped and measure little more than 1 cm. Lymph nodes are located in the neck area, armpits, groin, abdomen and chest.

If you find that your lymph nodes are inflamed, keep calm and remember that 50% of the time this is not related to a major illness. It’s still better if you get a medical diagnosis.

Then you will learn more about the functions of the lymph nodes and the causes of inflammation.

Interesting facts about lymph nodes

They have the following basic functions:

  • Filtering the lymph (tissue fluid that is outside the blood vessels in the body) and clearing bacteria, cancer cells, etc.
  • Production of white blood cells, lymphocytes and plasma cells, which are responsible for the destruction of foreign substances.
  • The lymphatic system has a similar structure to the blood vessel system.
  • Defense of our immune system.
  • The lymph nodes also come in different sizes and shapes. Under the jaw, for example, they are flat and bean-shaped and measure about 1 cm. At the nape of the neck they are about 0.5 cm tall and lenticular. The lymph nodes in the groin are elongated and measure a little more than 1.5 cm.

    Why do the lymph nodes become inflamed?

    Inflammation of the lymph nodes can occur for a variety of reasons. Since one of their most important functions is to protect our immune system, they are very sensitive to changes.

    Often unimportant reasons can be the trigger, but it can also be serious problems such as cancer. We will then take a closer look at the possible causes.

    • Inflammation from colds, flu, tonsillitis
    • Certain bacteria: syphilis, tuberculosis, salmonellosis
    • Inflammation can lupus  caused
    • Inflammation caused by viral diseases such as rubella or measles
    • Diseases caused by other pathogens such as malaria or leishmaniasis
    • Rheumatic diseases
    • Inflammation caused by drugs: perchlorate, co-trimoxazole, etc.
    • Stress, poor sleep, poor diet, and lack of nutrients
    • The lymph nodes can sometimes become inflamed from lymphoma as well. These are tumors that can largely be treated, e.g. benign neoplasms (not cancer).
    • However, malignant lymphomas can also occur, so a medical examination is definitely necessary if there are certain symptoms.

    Initial examination of the lymph nodes

    The specialist makes a diagnosis and provides information about possible types of treatment. The following aspects and questions are dealt with in every examination:

    • Did you have a cold or flu?
    • Where is the inflamed lymph node located? On the neck, in the armpit or under the jaw?
    • When did you notice the symptoms? Did they come suddenly or did they appear gradually?
    • Do you feel pain
    • Have you had any other illnesses before?
    • Are you taking any medication?
    • Have you recently traveled?
    • Did you lose weight?

    The answers to all of these questions enable the doctor to determine where the immune system is diseased, since in most cases the lymph nodes are inflamed from a previous illness.

    Sometimes a drug or a bacterium is the trigger. With the help of the patient and the appropriate examinations, the doctor can make a correct diagnosis.

    Data worth knowing

    Most inflammations arise in the throat area, most of the time the causes are inflammation in the throat or mouth. If so, don’t worry, this inflammation is not of great concern.

    However, the size of the lymph nodes must be monitored: if they measure over 4 cm, a biopsy must definitely be taken.

    Note that although the inflamed lymph nodes in the throat are usually not harmful, inflamed lymph nodes under the jaw are always dangerous, regardless of their size.

    They need to be treated quickly as they are mostly cancer-related.

    Prevention and care of the lymph nodes

    To prevent inflammation of the lymph nodes as much as possible, you need a strong immune system.  We recommend the following nutrients to strengthen your immune system:

    vitamin C

    Vitamin C is essential for a well-functioning immune system. It prevents infections and viruses and also protects our cells.

    Vitamin C can be found in the following foods: citrus fruits, kiwis, strawberries, mangoes, tomatoes, etc.

    Vitamin E.

    This substance activates the production of white blood cells and protects against cancer and bacteria.

    Vitamin E can be found in the following foods: fruits and vegetables, dried fruits such as nuts, pistachios, almonds, etc.

    Beta-carotene foods

    Beta-carotene foods are rich in antioxidants that help fight free radicals and strengthen our immune systems.

    The following foods contain beta-carotene: carrots, corn, watermelon, cabbage, beetroot, pumpkin, asparagus, apricots, etc.

    Selenium and zinc

    These minerals help with cell production and provide our immune system with a lot of energy. Which foods contain selenium and zinc?

    Very simple: whole grains, Brazil nuts, most dried fruits, seafood, soy, etc.

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