How To End A Toxic Relationship

A toxic relationship doesn’t get you anywhere, you should end it sooner rather than later. It’s not easy, find out how!

How to end a toxic relationship

To end a toxic relationship, it is important to embrace the problem and seek emotional support with friends and family. In addition, your self-esteem must be strengthened in order not to allow harmful behavior again.

Recognize a toxic relationship

In order to end a toxic relationship , it is important to learn to identify harmful behaviors that affect well-being. While almost all couples have occasional times of crisis, there are things that should definitely not be tolerated.

The problem is that setting an endpoint for a toxic relationship is not always easy as there are many emotions involved, sometimes even manipulated. Also, when you idealize the other person, you believe that such behavior is normal or that it can change.

Far from reality, maintaining this type of relationship only leads to emotional distress, which can have serious consequences. Therefore, even if it hurts, it is best to accept it, take the courage and seek an end.

toxic relationship

Why is it so hard to quit?

People who are in a toxic relationship are usually unaware of this. Although their family or friends try to communicate that this is abnormal, the victim refuses to admit it or tries to justify it in one and a thousand ways. Why is this happening?

Let’s look at a few reasons:

  • Being in love suggests that the partner might change their bad behavior or that it is only temporary. “Blinded by love”
  • The manipulated person has very low self-esteem and supports all of this because he believes that no one else will love him.
  • The toxic partner is manipulative and uses the other’s weaknesses to justify their behavior.
  • Fear of loneliness creates an emotional addiction that prevents the victim from stepping out of what makes them sick.
  • Also fear of the partner’s reaction, especially if they are violent.

All of these reasons make it really difficult to end a toxic relationship. Even if the circle of friends has long since understood and urges you to do so.

toxic relationship and discussions

How do you recognize such a relationship?

The first step in getting out of a toxic relationship is to identify the behaviors or actions that are wrong. If one or both partners feel unhappy or afraid while being with the other, it is because the relationship is unhealthy and wrong.

Of course, it is normal to argue sporadically without this indicating any serious problems. However, if the discussions and arguments are constant or pushing boundaries, this is not normal and you should take action.

A relationship is toxic if it exhibits one or more of these characteristics:

  • There is an emotional dependence on one or both parties.
  • Respect has been lost and there is constant verbal aggression.
  • Jealousy is uncontrollable.
  • One or both partners are possessive and controlling.
  • The couple does not offer support but rather diminishes and blocks the other’s personal growth.
  • There are constant attacks against self-esteem.
  • Methods of emotional, economic or family blackmail are used.
  • A partner makes constant threats.
  • There are repeated episodes of physical or psychological violence.
  • Privacy and social relationships are lost.

As mentioned earlier, there are many factors that prevent a toxic relationship from breaking up easily. However, it is not impossible either and anyone can overcome it if they can accept that what they are living is not right.

The following strategies will help:

Become aware of it

The first step that all people should take is to be aware of what is happening. Knowing how to recognize that there is a problem and that the relationship is not bringing happiness is a key factor in making the final decision. Otherwise the “love association” will prevent wealth from being found.

Lose fear

Anxiety is one of the highest barriers to getting out of a toxic relationship. Fear of what might happen afterwards makes one believe, at least at times, that it is better to keep going. Although the future is uncertain, losing fear is the only way to overcome it.

Sadness after separation

Seek external support

Constant support from family and friends is crucial when breaking a toxic relationship. Feeling that other people are nearby helps overcome fear, worry, and all the confusion that comes from the experience.

Accept the grief

If you’ve shared a lot of time and experiences with another person, it can lead to grief or sadness at the end of the relationship. However, this is part of the improvement process and it is normal to experience it to accept it.


Work on your self worth

When you focus on your own projects, move around, and surround yourself with positive people, you can work on your self-esteem. After a toxic relationship, self-esteem and confidence often go down. That is why it is important to devote time to yourself.

Although you need courage and support, you can end and overcome a toxic relationship. Remember that if you don’t take this step, you won’t have an opportunity to find another path to happiness.

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