How Do Toxins Work In The Body?

To get rid of toxins from the body, you should eat healthily and drink enough fluids. The liver and kidneys are responsible for eliminating harmful substances from the body. If this topic interests you, read our article today. 

How do toxins work in the body?

In recent years, various detox diets and detox products have become very popular for eliminating  toxins from the body. But have you ever asked yourself what toxins are and what effects do they have on our organism?

Toxins are harmful substances that are produced by cells,  that is, by plants, animals, humans or bacteria. So we can synthesize it ourselves or we can take it in from outside in various ways.

The problem with this is  that these toxins damage our cells and tissues. Therefore, today we explain to you how they affect our organism and what you can do to eliminate them. Read on!

What are toxins?

As mentioned earlier,  toxins are substances that can damage cells and body tissues. They can be small molecules, proteins or other elements that enter the organism from outside or can be synthesized by the body itself.

The metabolic processes in the body continuously create toxins. For example, the mechanism by which cells receive energy produces free radicals.

Free radicals are unstable molecules that are classified as toxins. This is because they provoke cell damage when they accumulate in the body. We also ingest toxins through diet, breathing and certain substances such as tobacco.

The main organs responsible for neutralizing and eliminating toxins are the liver and kidneys. We can eliminate most of the toxins by emptying the bowels and bladder.
This is why it is extremely important that these organs function well so that they can perform their cleaning function properly.  Kidney or liver diseases interfere with the detoxification process and slow down the elimination of free radicals, which accelerates aging.
Toxins in the liver
The liver is fundamental to detoxifying the human body.

Other toxins

As mentioned earlier, we also ingest toxins through diet. Not only do the reactions that take place in the body after eating produce these harmful substances, the food itself can also contain harmful substances  .

Foods that are high in additives and unhealthy fats contain more toxins. This is also the case with fried products and products processed at high temperatures. Furthermore, alcohol and tobacco naturally contain many toxic substances that have a very negative impact on health.

Highly processed foods, common in modern diets, accelerate the release of toxins as they go through many manufacturing processes. In the grocery store,  you should therefore always opt for fresh, unprocessed products, if possible, in order to keep the health risk as low as possible. 

How can you get toxins out of the body?

How can you get toxins out of the body?
There is no clear evidence on the effectiveness of detox diets.

Although various detox diets and detox products are advertised, there is no scientific evidence  that they are actually beneficial. In order to get rid of toxins from our organism, we need to make sure that it is healthy and that the liver and kidneys in particular are functioning well.

It is therefore very important  to drink enough (1.5 to 3 liters of water daily) to support the kidney cleansing process. In this way, you produce more urine, which helps us remove toxins.

In addition, it is also important to reduce the intake of harmful substances through diet. Avoid alcohol and tobacco as well as highly processed and high-fat foods. At the same time, make sure you eat enough fruits and vegetables!

Not only diets can help detoxify the body

Maintain a healthy lifestyle and exercise several times a week. You can also get rid of toxins during exercise. You also reduce stress, which seems to be related to it.

Remember that toxins are harmful to the body, but it is important to get expert advice before using detox products.

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