How Can I Refine The Complexion?

A good peeling is essential to cleanse the skin and remove dead skin cells. This can prevent the pores from becoming clogged with impurities and preventing acne or blackheads from appearing.

How can I refine the complexion?

Large pores make the skin look unkempt and rough. The causes can be varied: Poor skin care, predisposition, sun damage, blackheads or an unbalanced diet can affect the appearance of the skin, for example.

In this article you will learn how you a fine-pored, well-proportioned with natural remedies skin can achieve.

In the media you see personalities with perfect skin and a beautiful complexion every day, but in reality many people suffer from large pores, as these affect the external appearance, make the skin look pale and can also lead to pimples.

However, there are various natural remedies that can help refine the complexion. 

Beauty routine for a fine complexion

We recommend taking the following steps to refine the complexion.


Regular, gentle peeling removes dead skin cells as well as impurities and dirt that can clog pores and promote acne or blackheads.

Moisten a cotton cloth with a little lukewarm water and gently rub the skin with it. We recommend using this scrub twice a week.

skin beauty

Facial steam bath

A facial steam bath opens your pores and helps remove debris, impurities, and oil. After the treatment, the pores will then shrink by themselves.

Prepare a saucepan of hot, steaming water, then hold your head over it and cover with a towel.

This method also helps with colds to open the airways. After that, the face is washed with cold water and gently dried. We recommend doing a facial steam bath once a week.

Face mask

As long as the pores are still widened after the steam bath, you can achieve better results with face masks. Clay masks, which remove impurities and also absorb excess fat, are particularly recommended.

Treatment with clay will make the pores finer.


Morning facial cleansing

After getting up, it is recommended to first cleanse the face with lukewarm water and homemade cleansing milk. To do this, you need half a cup of water, 1/4 cup of milk, two spoons of baking soda and an egg white. Mix everything and then use it to thoroughly cleanse the face.

This removes superficial bacteria and impurities that could clog pores. Then wash off with water.

Moisturizing care with aloe vera

This plant has numerous beneficial properties for the skin. Aloe Vera strengthens the skin and protects against impurities and also against external irritations.

If you have an aloe vera plant at home, simply cut off a leaf, remove the gel, and apply it to the skin of your face. Once the gel is dry, remove with water.

wash face

Home remedies for large pores

Almond mask

Grind 1/3 cup of almonds and then mix with a little water. This paste is then applied to the skin, starting from the nose and spreading over the whole face.

After half an hour of action, the mask can then be removed with lukewarm water. Use twice a week. 


Whey is an old home remedy for a clear, fine complexion. Apply whey to your face with some cotton wool every day before bed for a week  .  After 20 minutes of action, wash off with cold water.

vegetable milk

Papaya bowl

Then rub the cleansed skin of the face with the inside of the papaya peel. After 15-20 minutes of action, wash your face with lukewarm water. This home remedy will also go away small patches of skin.


Homemade mayonnaise with egg, lemon juice and oil – or bought mayonnaise – is good for the skin. Simply spread a spoon on your face and then let it work for 20 minutes (this mask is also highly recommended for your hair!).

After that, the skin will be fine and supple. However, this mask is not recommended for oily skin.


orange juice

This inexpensive home remedy is an excellent way to reduce large pores. The fruit acid enables natural peeling and cleanses the pores. The vitamin C it contains strengthens and firms the skin.

Simply squeeze an orange and then apply the juice to the skin with cotton wool. Another option is to cut an orange in half and then rub it on your face. After five minutes of action, wash your face with plenty of cold water.

Under no circumstances should this treatment be carried out during the day, as skin spots could appear in the fresh air from the action of the sun. This home remedy is therefore best used in the evening.

Oatmeal mask

Crush a cup of oatmeal in a blender until it becomes a fine powder. Add half a glass of water until a thick paste is formed. This is then applied to the face until it dries completely. Then rinse with lukewarm water.


Ice cubes

Do not rub the face with an ice cube for more than 30 seconds. This has a firming effect and is ideal after a relaxing bath.

Baking soda

Make a paste from baking soda and lukewarm water in equal parts. This is then used to massage the face in a circular motion for about 30 seconds. Then wash off with cold water. Do this daily for a week and then only three times a week.


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