Home Remedies That Could Help Against Burns

If the burns are first degree, you can relieve them with the following home remedies. Under no circumstances should you use toothpaste or cover the area!

Home Remedies That Might Help With Burns

A burn can be very painful and severely damage the skin. Here we give you home remedies that could help against burns, if they are very easy.

If you get a burn, submerge the affected area in cold water as soon as possible to relieve the burning pain and prevent blisters from forming.

Ice cubes – if available – are even more effective. Leave these on the burn until they dissolve. Even if the pain from the ice cube on the skin is very strong, you should try to endure it, because in a few minutes the unbearable burning sensation will go away.


There are different degrees of severity: Grade 1, Grade 2 and Grade 3. It is important to learn to differentiate between them in order to be able to apply the correct treatment and to heal the burn as quickly as possible.

First degree

These are minor burns with reddening of the skin and a burning sensation, but no blisters.

Second grade

In this case, blistering, reddening of the affected areas of the skin and burning occurs.

Third degree

These are the most severe burns in which a large part of the tissue is destroyed and the deep layers of the skin are damaged. Often the fat, muscles or bones become visible.

For example, if you burn yourself while ironing, it could be severity one or two. Boiling water or hot oil can cause a third degree burn.

If you have severe third-degree burns, you  need immediate medical attention in a hospital. However, if it is a minor first-degree burn, you can do the following:

Treatment of minor burns


First, get rid of jewelry and obstructive clothing. Then wet the affected area or apply ice to relieve the burning pain.

If blisters develop,  you should avoid them bursting,   otherwise the risk of infection increases as the wound is no longer protected.

Check the wound regularly to see if it has pus or a yellowish or greenish liquid that could indicate an infection. If so, you should see a doctor as soon as possible so that the infection can be treated appropriately.

Do not use toothpaste or oil  to treat the wound, as this will make the symptoms worse.

Do not cover the wound under any circumstances. However, you can apply a special burn ointment,  which can speed wound healing and prevent infection.

When is a doctor’s visit necessary?

If you have severe or deep burns, you should definitely see a doctor, and if you have burns from boiling water, electricity, or corrosive substances, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

If the burns are on the face, genitals, feet, or hands, or if  the person has heart or breathing problems, a doctor should also be seen. It is recommended to put on wet wipes while waiting for the doctor.

Home remedies for burns

The home remedies recommended below can only be used for minor first-degree burns.

Grated potato

Grated potatoes are very effective against the burning pain caused by burns. Apply this to the affected area and let it work for about three minutes. You can use this home remedy three times a day.



Honey is an excellent antihistamine and has strong anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties. For good and quick results, apply enough honey to the affected area several times a day. Before doing this, carefully clean the wound with a little lukewarm water.

Vitamin E capsules

Vitamin E is highly recommended for burns, especially to prevent scars. Treat the wound with the oil from the capsule at least twice a day.

Aloe vera

aloe vera

The gel of this plant is highly effective on burns . It helps to relieve the pain and speed up the wound healing process. You can apply the aloe gel three times a day and carefully clean the wound with lukewarm water each time.

Do not forget…

The home remedies for burns are very simple and inexpensive,  they are also very effective and completely natural. If you do get burned, don’t forget to use these too.

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