Home Remedies For Wrinkles

Healthy lifestyle habits can prevent the early formation of wrinkles. In addition, natural home remedies can be very helpful in keeping the skin firm and elastic for a long time. 

Home remedies for wrinkles

With increasing age, the proportion of collagen and elastin in the skin decreases, which is why it is no longer so elastic and firm over time. The first wrinkles are also noticeable, but various  home remedies for wrinkles  can be very useful in improving the complexion and looking young for longer.

Unhealthy lifestyle habits can also affect skin health and promote wrinkling. Examples of this are tobacco use, sun exposure, or certain facial gestures that can lead to wrinkles.

In today’s post you will learn  which  home remedies can help against wrinkles Take care of your skin to keep it healthy and beautiful!

Change your habits to prevent wrinkles

Not only direct skin care is essential, healthy lifestyle habits are also among the most important prerequisites for firm and elastic skin:

Avoid exposure to the sun

That doesn’t mean you can’t go out in the sun, but you should be careful and protect yourself appropriately. Especially at lunchtime, when the sun is at its highest, you should not sunbathe or at least protect yourself sufficiently. The UV radiation accelerates the aging process.

Cut out tobacco

In smokers, small wrinkles often form on the upper lip, which can be traced back to the typical, repetitive gesture when tobacco consumption.

Of course, this is not the only harmful effect of tobacco that can be seen on the skin. The pollutants contained therein prevent the correct oxygen supply to the tissue, which in turn accelerates skin aging. 


Exfoliating and other home remedies for wrinkles

From the age of 30, it is advisable to exfoliate and thoroughly clean the facial skin regularly in order to prevent the formation of wrinkles.

Don’t forget that makeup residue, dust, and other impurities can clog your pores. If dead skin cells are removed regularly  , the complexion is refined and fewer wrinkles appear.

Get enough sleep

Sleep at least 7 hours straight every night, otherwise your body will produce more cortisol. Not only does this hormone keep you awake, it also causes cells to deteriorate.

A lack of sleep also creates dark circles under the eyes. In addition, this prevents the skin from recovering from damage that occurs during the day.

Healthy eating

Diet plays an important role in preventing wrinkles. Make sure that it is versatile and balanced and avoid fried foods, coffee, sweets and white flour as much as possible. 

These foods should not be missing in your diet:

  • fresh fruit and
  • Vegetables,
  • Cold water fish and
  • Whole grain cereals.

Having a piece of dark chocolate every now and then can protect your skin from sun damage.

Home remedies for wrinkles

In addition to healthy lifestyle habits, these wrinkle home remedies are of great use in nourishing the skin and keeping it young for a long time.

1. Carrot mask

Carrots shine with an abundance of antioxidants, which prevent premature skin aging. You can use them raw in salads, mixed drinks or topically to care for your skin.

We recommend this face mask with carrots:


  • 2 medium-sized carrots
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • Peel and slice the carrots.
  • Process well together with the water in the blender until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
  • Apply this mixture to clean, dry skin with some cotton wool.
  • Let it sit for 10 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat this treatment once or twice a week before bed.

2. olive oil

Olive oil as a home remedy for wrinkles

This liquid gold has numerous benefits for the skin because olive oil contains essential fatty acids and vitamins.

Some women use olive oil to remove make-up, and it is particularly recommended for dry skin. If you have oily skin, you’d better avoid it. 


  • Moisten a cotton ball with olive oil and use it to clean your face after the shower. You don’t need to rinse off the oil afterwards.
  • You can also use almond oil, which also has excellent moisturizing and nourishing properties.

3. Lotion with milk

Milk contains alpha-hydroxycarboxylic acids (AHA), which remove dead skin cells while stimulating collagen production. This keeps the skin elastic and young for longer.


  • If you want to treat existing wrinkles, you can simply moisten a cotton pad or cotton cloth with cold or lukewarm milk and rub it into your previously cleansed face.
  • After 10 minutes of action, rinse off with lukewarm water.

4. Aloe vera

Aloe gel shines with a multitude of health-promoting properties that also benefit the skin. Not only can it treat wounds or eczema, aloe vera is also an excellent home remedy for wrinkles.

This medicinal plant  promotes skin regeneration. 


  • Treat your face with aloe gel every night before bed. Simply cut open a sheet and remove the gel. You don’t have to rinse it off after it’s applied. You can find out how to store the rest of the gel here: Freezing aloe vera: discover the benefits!
  • Let the aloe gel work all night!

5. Damiana tea

Damiana tea as a home remedy for wrinkles

Damiana (Turnera diffusa) is often referred to as the “source of eternal youth,” which is why many women drink Damiana tea. This can also be very effective externally against wrinkles.

  • After preparing the tea, let it cool down a bit and then apply it to your face and neck with cotton wool.

6. Mask with egg white

Eggs have many very healthy nutrients and are therefore used in a wide variety of beauty treatments to care for hair and skin.

A mask with egg white works like a light lifting within a few minutes. All you have to do is apply the egg white to the skin and let it work for 20 minutes. Then rinse with water. You will immediately feel that your skin is firmer and looks beautiful.

  • If you want to use it to make a peeling, you can mix the  whipped egg whites with a bit of oats until a viscous paste is formed.
  • Apply to the skin in circular movements and leave to act for 15 minutes.
  • Then rinse with lukewarm water and finally apply a moisturizer.

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