Home Remedies For Caffeine Withdrawal

We should note that besides coffee there are also other caffeinated drinks that we must also avoid. Withdrawal from caffeine can lead to drowsiness, irritability, headaches, difficulty concentrating, and a tendency towards depression. Discover some home remedies for caffeine withdrawal in our article.

Home remedies for caffeine withdrawal

Coffee affects the brain by making it feel like you are constantly alert as it stimulates the central nervous system. With caffeine withdrawal problems can therefore arise if normal consumption is reduced.

Because caffeine withdrawal can cause drowsiness, irritability, headache, impaired concentration and depressive tendencies come.

In the following article we have put together a few tips for you so that you can reduce symptoms and coffee consumption.

The benefits of leaving the coffee alone

Hands hold coffee cup
Withdrawal from caffeine can lead to headaches and irritability, among other things.

There are many benefits to stopping drinking too much coffee. This includes weight loss, as caffeinated beverages take up empty calories on our diet and promote fat accumulation.

Also gastric reflux can be reduced so be. The acid contained in coffee is associated with digestive problems and imbalances in the intestinal flora.

It also reduces stress, as caffeine increases catecholamines like adrenaline. These hormones are related to stress.

The best home remedies for caffeine withdrawal

In order to quit caffeine consumption without suffering from caffeine withdrawal, it is recommended to progressively reduce the usual amount by 25%. This will allow you to slowly taper off the substance until you are ready to give up on it entirely.

Also, use the following home remedies to quickly overcome the addiction.

1. Coconut water

Coconut water
Coconut water can help with caffeine withdrawal.

Coconut water is a nutritious and very healthy drink. It contains enzymes that help cleanse the body and also electrolytes that create energy and provide nutrients to the body.

It also helps eliminate physical and mental heaviness so that they remain energetic. It also fights the tiredness that caffeine withdrawal creates.

Coconut water has a similar effect to sports drinks in terms of fluid balance in the body. It only creates less nausea, discomfort and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

2. Prebiotic drinks

These drinks promote healthy intestinal flora and improve our digestion. They also stimulate the immune system to cleanse the body of toxins while fighting the symptoms of caffeine withdrawal.

They also clean the intestines of any debris that might be there. Two good examples are soy yogurt and milk. There are also prebiotic supplements that serve the same purpose.

3. Ginger tea

You can recognize it by its unmistakable aroma and piquant taste. Ginger tea is a natural remedy that promotes digestion and breaks down food easily.

It also improves blood sugar regulation and also helps control glucose. The sharp root therefore also improves long-term attention.

Furthermore, ginger produces a regular bowel movement, which prevents the diarrhea caused by coffee. Ginger tea is also suitable for a better memory and a better mood.

4. Mint tea

This plant has many health benefits for the human body. When it comes to caffeine withdrawal, mint tea helps relieve nausea, stress, and headaches.

Regular consumption relieves tension and restlessness in the body, as it puts it in a state of relaxation. It also helps calm the mind when it feels stressed. If you are caffeine-free, simply drink a cup of mint tea.

5. Garlic tea

Garlic tea
Garlic tea can help us control caffeine withdrawal symptoms.

It is known as an excellent antibiotic and is usually consumed to prevent colds and flu and to strengthen our immune system.

However, few know that it is also very useful in caffeine withdrawal as it produces a calm state of mind.

Just like prebiotic products, garlic tea supports natural bowel movement and cleanses the body of toxins that can cause disease.

Drink it twice a week and notice how caffeine withdrawal is soon no longer a problem.

6. Chamomile tea

Chamomile is an herb that originated in Western Europe. You can recognize them by their aroma and slightly bitter taste.

It has many health benefits and is, for example , gas inducing, digestive, calming, tonifying and antispasmodic.

Chamomile tea relieves physical and mental stress by calming feelings of anxiety. That’s why it’s so ideal for alleviating caffeine withdrawal by regulating nervous energy.

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