Hand And Foot Care: Peeling And Hydration

You should moisturize your hands and feet every day, but not exfoliate more than twice a week to protect the skin. 

Hand and foot care: exfoliation and hydration

We often forget the right hand and foot care  or do not take enough time for it. But taking care of these parts of the body is also very important.

Most of the time we only remember our feet when they cause us pain, or in summer when we wear sandals. We often care for and paint our fingernails, but forget that our hands also need care. 

Find out more about proper hand and foot care today  !

Why is hand and foot care important?

Why is hand and foot care important?
Hands and feet also need to be properly cared for to prevent diseases!

Caring for your hands and feet should be done regularly. Because you will not only feel better with it, but you can also prevent ailments and diseases.

On the other hand, temperature fluctuations in the different seasons are particularly noticeable on the hands. Skin often becomes dry and cracked if not properly cared for. The feet are sensitive to heat, which is why complaints often arise in summer.

Hand and foot care: scrubs and moisturizers

Before you pamper your skin with moisture, it must be thoroughly cleansed of dead skin and dirt. After the peeling, moisturizing is very important. It is better absorbed by the skin and is therefore more effective.

In addition  , the care relaxes and refreshes your hands and feet. However, do not forget that grooming should be done both externally and internally. Therefore, drink at least 2 liters of water a day to provide your skin with sufficient moisture from the inside.

1. Homemade peeling for hand and foot care

Homemade peeling for hand and foot care
You can use the peeling to remove dead skin and dirt. After that, the skin absorbs care products better.


  • Grapeseed oil
  • Coconut oil
  • Brown sugar
  • Vanilla extract
  • Cinnamon powder

Mix all the ingredients in a sealable glass jar: 2/5 grape seed oil and the same amount of coconut oil, then 1/5 brown sugar (possibly a little more), a little vanilla extract and two tablespoons of cinnamon powder.

You massage your hands and feet with this mixture. It is best to put on plastic gloves. Leave the scrub on for fifteen minutes, then rinse it off with lukewarm water.

2. Homemade moisturizer

Homemade moisturizer
Avoid rough, cracked skin with this homemade moisturizer.


  • Grapeseed oil, almond oil, chamomile oil, sesame oil and rose hip oil
  • Vanilla essence
  • Cinnamon essence
  • Rose water

Mix a small amount of all the oils with a little rose water. Put everything in a spray bottle so you can easily apply this moisturizer. To increase the effect, you can also wrap your feet or hands in plastic wrap. 

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