Give Up Control And Let Your Life Flow

Don’t fight life, let us show you the way to learn from it.

Give up control and let your life flow

Life is in flux, but sometimes we want to consciously grab hold of it in order to gain control over it, but this way we go the way in vain.

When unforeseen, unexpected things happen, we feel sad and rebel against it. We’re trying to blame someone. We say things like “What did I do to deserve this”? And we make ourselves victims of our self-fulfilling prophecies.

As we all know, expectations are not very beneficial. In most cases, they don’t come true. Then we lapse into black painting and feel disappointed and broken and that brings us into a deep hole.

Life doesn’t need control, it needs trust

Woman in control

Always wanting to be in control of life is pointless. But that’s what we want to do again and again, maybe out of habit.

If all goes well, great. But if everything goes wrong, then we sacrifice ourselves. We do this instead of sticking out our claws and being determined to overcome the obstacle that has been placed in our way.

Life is not easy. We have the wrong assumption that we can only be happy when everything goes well. Isn’t that a bit presumptuous?

Life is made up of good and bad moments. Both serve one purpose, even if one makes us feel better than the other. But we also need to know that it’s a matter of perspective.

  • A defeat does not have to immediately discard the goals that we strive to achieve.
  • On the contrary, it can be a way to grow, learn, and mature. It also means learning to appreciate the good things in life.
  • An unhealthy relationship is not a reason to banish and judge love.

It could be a way to learn to choose your partner more critically. It’s also a chance to set your pink glasses off in terms of your expectations.

Don’t swim against the tide of life: let yourself be carried away

Follow your path in life without being controlled by others

Do you hit your head against the wall repeatedly even when life says “not here”? Don’t make yourself a victim of a situation. Life may just want to tell you that you should go in a different direction.

Stop blaming other people if you suffer because of them. It could be that you are the one who allows this to happen in the first place. It could be that you cannot end a relationship or you cannot distance yourself from people who are not doing you good.

You live your life in autopilot mode. Therefore, you cannot perceive everything that your life wants to tell you with every step you take.

Life gives you precise instructions, even if you cannot judge them as something positive at first. But you get these valuable pointers. Open your eyes! They are everywhere…

We force ourselves to maintain relationships that are not worth all of the pain. We complain instead of changing things. We take a victim stance and blame the circumstances for what is wrong.

Why don’t we swim with the flow of life?

We stop fighting off all the negative things and start seeing them as the perfect way to go in a different direction.

Sometimes we feel too comfortable in our comfort zone and lose perspective on the big picture. We hate change. But they are important.

Are you going to give up the desire for control?

Life can be a tightrope, you have to be in control

When difficulties threaten your existence, your whole world is upside down. You like it when everything goes as planned, when days run smoothly and don’t deviate from what you expect.

When something inevitable does occur, you clasp your hands over your head and feel like you’re on a tightrope. Uncertainty is something you don’t like. You think involuntary changes would be bad luck.

Change your mindset that the situation is all you see. Even the most negative things have a positive side. You just have to know how to discover it because it is often very subtle.

You won’t make it if you take the easy path. This is the way of complaining, denying and defending against everything that is happening to you.

Learn to control your worries and stress. Swim with life. Let it guide you and don’t be afraid of what will happen. When you least expect it, amazing things will happen that you never expected.

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