Get To Know The Tomato Diet

If you follow this diet for longer, it becomes less effective and there is an imbalance in the organism. Therefore, you shouldn’t use this diet for more than 3 days.

Get to know the tomato diet

Tomatoes not only provide many vitamins for our health, they also help us lose weight in a healthy and natural way. Get to know the tomato diet here  .

These vegetables are not only extremely tasty and healthy, they also serve as a preventive measure against various diseases such as cancer.

Tomatoes can be prepared in a variety of ways. Therefore, the tomato diet also offers a very varied diet.

The benefits of a tomato diet

In addition to tomatoes, this diet also includes rosemary, mint, lemon, carrots, and soy. In this way, preventive measures against high blood pressure can be provided at the same time.

Rosemary can also prevent hair loss. Mint has a positive effect on our digestive system and helps with intestinal problems and colic.

Lemon contains a lot of vitamin C, which strengthens our body’s defenses. In this way, diseases such as flu, tonsillitis, hoarseness, hyperemia, asthma, etc. can be prevented.

This fruit also contains vitamin P, which stabilizes the blood vessels. Soy provides our body with all the amino acids it needs. In this way, prevention against breast cancer can be provided and diabetes can be controlled.

Tomatoes contain vitamins and minerals, have antioxidant effects and can prevent vascular diseases and help reduce high cholesterol levels. This type of vegetable is also highly recommended for eyesight.

We have just mentioned a few of the many beneficial properties of tomatoes here.

The tomato diet

With this diet we can easily lose up to two kilos in 3 days. However, we shouldn’t forget to drink two liters of water a day. We recommend still mineral water without colorings, artificial taste and without sugar.

  • Before breakfast:  a glass of fresh tomato juice with a few mint leaves, which give the drink a delicious taste.
  • Breakfast:  two cooked tomatoes flavored with rosemary.
  • First snack or aperitif : drink made from 6 mint leaves and a carrot, 1 half organic lemon with peel, half a tomato and two glasses of mineral water.
  • Lunch:  tomato salad with soybean sprouts and freshly ground pepper. You can add a little lemon juice or olive oil to flavor the salad.
  • Second snack or aperitif: drink made from 6 mint leaves and a carrot, 1 half organic lemon with peel, half a tomato and two glasses of mineral water.
  • Dinner: Prepare yourself another tomato salad with tomatoes, soy and pepper.



In order for this diet to be efficient and to avoid side effects, it is then important to use ripe tomatoes. Otherwise there is a risk of poisoning the body.

In addition, you should n’t follow this diet for more than three days. Over time, it loses its efficiency and the body switches to the back burner.

As with any diet  , it is definitely advisable to consult a doctor, because every person reacts differently and has different health requirements.

While the tomato diet is healthy, it is not recommended for people with uric acid problems or diverticulitis. This diet is also not beneficial for people with constipation.

Additional benefits

Better skin and healthier body

Tomatoes protect the skin from UV rays. They are also used in many anti-aging products and also help maintain healthy bones, teeth and hair.

Prevention of kidney stones

Tomatoes can also help prevent kidney stones and gallstones.

Gut health

Tomatoes can help stabilize the digestive system and prevent symptoms such as diarrhea or constipation. They also promote the elimination of toxins and can prevent jaundice.

An excellent remedy for high blood pressure

Tomatoes are highly recommended for the prevention and treatment of high blood pressure. They also have a calming effect and are used for nervousness.

Vitamins and minerals

A tomato provides 40% of our daily need for vitamin C. This vitamin helps us treat cancer. In addition to vitamin C, tomatoes also provide us with vitamins A, B2, B2 and K (for blood clotting).

Tomatoes are also rich in minerals: potassium (which is good for blood and nerve health), zinc, calcium, iron, phosphorus and sodium.

With diabetes

Reduces the body stress that arises in type 2 diabetes.

Protects our heart and helps with high cholesterol levels

The tomato contains lycopene, which helps prevent heart disease. Consuming tomatoes also reduces blood triglycerides and bad cholesterol (LDL), and consequently less fat accumulates in the blood.

Helps with urinary infections

Consuming tomatoes can reduce the risk of bladder cancer and bladder infections.

Improves our eyesight

Finally it can be mentioned that tomatoes a contained amount of vitamin A. This improves our eyesight and reduces the risk of developing night blindness.

Because of their numerous health-promoting properties, tomatoes should be on our menu every day, even if you are not following a tomato diet.

You could even say that tomatoes work like a natural medicine but without any side effects. Eat an extra helping of tomatoes every now and then!


The tomato diet is very suitable for natural weight loss without running a health risk if it is carried out correctly. Tomatoes cleanse our liver, have a calming and diuretic effect.

They contain a lot of antioxidants that help us prevent premature aging. Don’t forget about exercise to help you achieve your desired goals and keep your body healthy!

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