Fight Circulatory Disorders In The Legs With These Seven Tips

In order to improve the blood circulation in the legs, it is worthwhile to put them up a bit at the end of the day to support the venous blood circulation.

Fight circulatory problems in the legs with these seven tips

Circulatory problems in the legs can occur over time and due to various factors . We suffer from a feeling of heaviness and notice how orange peel and varicose veins appear more easily.

In this article, we’ll tell you the seven best tricks to combat circulatory disorders in the legs .

By adopting these simple habits, we get lighter, leaner, and more shaped legs. Our general health also benefits from it!

Tips against circulatory disorders in the legs

Woman runs towards her bike

1. Don’t spend so much time sitting

The first step against circulatory disorders in the legs is logical: you have to move them more ! Unfortunately, more and more people spend most of their lives sitting down.

Sitting motionless for hours on end can be very damaging to our health in the long term .

We should plan not to sit for more than an hour at a time. You can set an alarm clock so as not to forget it. It is enough to get up a little, stretch, drink water, go to the toilet, etc.

2. Improve your posture

In contrast, people who stand for a long time also need to watch their posture. Standing in an improper posture for a long time is just as harmful as sitting . This is very important for people who work in shops or restaurants, for example.

If necessary, you can do therapy that teaches you how to walk upright, stand, sit, lift things, breathe, etc. These are all things to watch out for in order to avoid circulatory problems in your legs.

3. Walk, jump and climb stairs

Whenever possible, you should choose movement. Escalators, elevators and sofas have to give way to our legs so that we can move, run, jump … any time of day is the right time to move.

Not only do we need to exercise two or three times a week, we need to keep active throughout the day.

Just like children who sit one moment and jump around the next, we should also maintain a dynamic approach to life.

4. Eat red foods

Depending on their color, foods contain certain active substances for the human body. For example, red foods improve blood circulation, prevent cardiovascular diseases, are antioxidants and protect the urinary tract.

So you should eat fruits and vegetables of this color every day , because they contain lycopene and anthocyanins.

  • Red berries
  • tomato
  • Watermelon
  • cherry
  • Red grapes
  • Red pepper
  • radish
  • Red apples

5. Drink water all day

Adequate hydration is very important in preventing all kinds of diseases. If we want the fluids to flow properly in our body, then we have to drink water all day.

However, we should always have an empty stomach. So better drink before and after meal times!

We should drink at least one and a half liters of water a day. If this is difficult for you, you can also make teas or sugar-free sodas.

It is important to always have a glass or bottle close by. Every time you see her, you should take a sip.

6. Use appropriate footwear

Sneakers balance on a log

The wrong footwear often causes circulatory disorders in the legs. It can be high heels, too tight or small shoes …

The shoe has to support the foot because it is the basis for the weight of our body. In order to improve blood circulation, you need suitable shoes.

Every now and then we should leave off our shoes entirely and stroll a little barefoot on the beach, on the ground or on the grass. On the one hand this is a relief for the feet and on the other hand it also helps us to dump electromagnetic pollution.

7. Relax when you get home

When you get home, you can take a cold shower (or at least your legs). Then you can also apply a cream or oil that contains herbs that stimulate blood circulation, such as cypress, rosemary, cinnamon, witch hazel or horse chestnut.

Before going to bed, you can put your  legs up a little or support them against the wall. You can also put a pillow under your feet when you sleep.

You can even purchase pillows specially designed for this purpose that help raise your legs at a certain angle and prevent circulatory problems in the legs.

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