Fennel Seeds: Benefits And Natural Remedies

Fennel seeds are excellent for health thanks to the antioxidants and nutrients they contain. Find out more about their advantages and possible uses today.

Fennel Seeds: Benefits and Natural Remedies

Fennel seeds have become very popular in recent years due to their beneficial properties. This herb, which originally comes from the Mediterranean region, is characterized by its sweet, very aromatic taste. It has been used for various medical purposes since ancient times.

The small seeds taste great in salads, sauces and various baked goods,  but they are mostly used in teas. Fennel tea has a strong aroma that is slightly reminiscent of liquorice. It relaxes and at the same time supplies the organism with important antioxidants. 

Health Benefits of Fennel Seeds

The seeds of the fennel  have a slightly sweet taste that is very similar to that of anise or liquorice. The fennel plant (Foeniculum vulgare) reaches a height of up to 120 cm. The leaves are pinnate, the flowers yellowish and grow in double umbels.

Traditionally, fennel is used as a supportive treatment for various health problems. But more scientific evidence is needed to confirm the effects  However, the anecdotal data on the health uses reveal certain benefits.

Fennel seeds help with infections

Fennel seeds help with infections
Fennel seeds have immune-stimulating properties and are therefore recommended for colds.

The properties of fennel tea can help fight certain types of viruses and bacteria. That is why this preparation has been researched as a natural home remedy for certain infections. Fennel tea is especially recommended for people with a weakened immune system.

Better sleep quality through fennel seeds

The relaxing effect of the small seeds promotes restful sleep. Fennel seeds relax the muscles, including those of the digestive system, and thus prepare the body for sleep. They also help avoid waking up at night.

Stimulation of maternal milk production

The anecdotal evidence as well as various references in medical literature suggest  that fennel stimulates the mother’s milk production. This plant has been used as a natural galactagogue since ancient times, i.e. as a means that stimulates the mother’s milk secretion during breastfeeding.

Fennel seeds for stomach ailments

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Fennel has a very positive effect on the digestive system and helps alleviate various ailments. 

Fennel promotes digestion and has anti-inflammatory and gas-relieving properties. The seeds of this plant are therefore excellent for flatulence, diarrhea and abdominal pain. They also reduce stomach acid and thus prevent heartburn.

Fennel provides antioxidants

Fennel tea provides important antioxidants for the organism. These protect against free radicals and thus against oxidative stress. They also relieve the kidneys and liver.

Fresh breath from fennel seeds

The antibacterial properties of the fennel seeds can neutralize bad breath odor (halitosis). Various substances that are present in the small seeds work against the pathogens that are responsible for the bad smell. At the same time, they regulate the pH of the saliva.

It’s best to drink a cup of fennel tea before going to bed and another one every morning after getting up.

Fennel for constipation

Fennel seeds for constipation
Fennel promotes intestinal peristalsis and therefore also the bowel movement. Because of this, this plant is very beneficial in the case of constipation. 

Fennel tea relaxes the digestive muscles and is an excellent natural remedy for stimulating bowel movement. As a result, it also works against constipation. Drink at least two cups of fennel tea every day.

Natural remedies with fennel seeds

Fennel is usually drunk in the form of tea. This makes it possible to benefit from all the advantages of the small seeds. However, pregnant women and babies have to avoid it. Also, you shouldn’t take too much of it.

Fennel tea

Fennel tea
Fennel tea is a traditional home remedy that offers several benefits. 

The traditional fennel tea makes it possible to benefit from all the important nutrients of these seeds. You can use it for digestive problems, to stimulate milk production during breastfeeding, to improve the quality of sleep or for infections. 


  • 1 teaspoon fennel seeds (7 g)
  • 1 cup of boiling water (250 ml)
  • Bee honey (as desired)


  • Scald the fennel with boiling water, cover the cup, and let the seeds steep for about 10 minutes.
  • Then you remove all solids with a sieve.
  • If you wish, you can sweeten the tea with honey.
  • Drink two to three cups of it a day.

    Tea with fennel seeds and lemon

    This tea is perfect for neutralizing stomach acid and relieving swelling. It also provides important minerals and vitamin C and therefore improves the body’s defenses. 


    • 1 teaspoon fennel seeds (7 g)
    • Juice of half a lemon
    • 1 cup of boiling water (250 ml)


    • Scald the fennel seeds with boiling water.
    • Let it steep, then pour it through a sieve to remove the seeds.
    • Squeeze half a lemon to get the juice and add it to the tea.
    • Drink two lukewarm cups of it daily.

    Mouthwash with fennel

    Mouthwash with fennel seeds
    The combination of fennel with mint results in a refreshing mouthwash that helps against bad breath. 

    To increase the refreshing effect of the fennel, we recommend combining it with mint. This can be used to treat bad breath. Because this preparation reduces the causative bacteria and also neutralizes the unpleasant smell that some foods can leave behind.


    • 1 teaspoon fennel seeds (7 g)
    • 5 mint leaves
    • 1 cup of boiling water (250 ml)


    • First, scald the fennel seeds and mint leaves with boiling water.
    • Then you cover the infusion and let it steep until it is only lukewarm.
    • Then pour it through a sieve to remove the solids.
    • Gargle with the result and rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth.
    • Repeat this process twice a day.

    Did you already know all of these fennel seed benefits? Now that you know what health benefits fennel has, it should always be on hand. This plant has several very interesting benefits that you can easily take advantage of.

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