Faucets: 7 Tricks For Natural Cleaning

By continuously using the faucets, they quickly become dirty and lose their shine. However, there are a variety of chemical-free natural home remedies that can help you clean.

Faucets: 7 tricks for natural cleaning

Taps in the bathroom and kitchen are benutztund daily dirty and dull thus, it can also lead to clogged pipes over time.

“Hard” water in particular leads to limescale residues  and dull taps, but various natural agents can not only remove bacteria, but also make the taps shine again.

Then you will find 7 curious tricks  with which you can clean the taps in your household and make them shine.  Read on to learn more about it.

1. Lemon


This citrus fruit is ideal for cleaning various objects in the household,  because it can easily remove limescale, among other things.


  • Halve a lemon and use it to rub the surface of the faucets.
  • Then rinse with lukewarm water and dry with a cloth.

2. White vinegar

The antibacterial properties of white vinegar, as well as the acids it contains, are perfect  for disinfecting faucets and removing stains.


  • Dilute with a little water and use it to clean the taps with a cloth.
  • Repeat several times a week.

3. Coarse salt

Water taps

Coarse salt can be used as an alternative to traditional detergents  to clean stains and dirt from various surfaces in the home.

The best way to clean the faucets is to moisten the salt with a little white vinegar to increase the bleaching and antibacterial effect.


  • Make a paste out of salt and vinegar and let it sit on the faucets for about 5 minutes.
  • Then rinse with lukewarm water and shine with a cloth.

4. flour

An excellent way to make  bronze and brass taps shine  is to clean them with a mixture of flour and vinegar.

The properties of these products make it easy to  remove limescale stains  and thoroughly clean the surface.


  • Mix some flour with a tablespoon of white vinegar and then rub it into the faucets.
  • Leave to act for 5 minutes, rinse and then dry with a cloth.

    5. Salt water

    Naturally clean the taps

    The combination of salt and water can be very helpful  in removing small stains of limescale or toothpaste.


    • Mix a tablespoon of salt in a cup of hot water and then use it to clean the taps with a cloth.
    • Repeat the process every day to ensure the faucets are clean and shiny.

    6. Soda

    This very popular white powder can not only disinfect the faucets but also  thoroughly remove dirt that has stuck to the surface.

    At the same time, it gets rid of bacteria and dark spots that make the faucets look unsightly.


    • Make a paste of baking soda and water or lemon juice, then use a toothbrush to clean the taps.
    • Then let the mixture sit for 10 minutes and then rinse it off. Dry with a cloth.

    7. Vinegar and baking soda for taps

    Clean the taps with vinegar

    The combination of white vinegar and baking soda is excellent for cleaning faucets. This can be used to  remove stains and fungi as well as lime.

    In this case, however, the faucets are not rubbed with the mixture, but soaked in it.


    • 1/3 cup baking soda (40 g)
    • 1 cup of white vinegar (250 ml)
    • 1 plastic bag, wire or rubber ring

    What should I do?

    • Once you’ve prepared all of the ingredients you need, you can then mix the baking soda and vinegar in a bowl. Then wait a moment for the mixture to stop bubbling and then pour it into the plastic bag.
    • Then you put the plastic bag over the tap and secure it with wire or a rubber ring.
    • Then it is best to let the mixture work all night (but at least three hours).
    • Then remove the bag, clean the faucet with a brush, rinse and then dry. The result is excellent!

    As you can see,  there are several inexpensive, all-natural home remedies that  are very helpful for cleaning faucets and making them shine. Try out their effectiveness for yourself!

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