Energy-rich Drinks In The Morning

Use good quality ingredients for these drinks. If you are using organically grown lemons, you can also use the peel.

Energy-rich drinks in the morning

To start the day with a lot of energy and vitality, we recommend high-energy drinks  on an empty stomach. You can use it to improve your mood and performance.

In today’s article, you’ll find a variety of high-energy drinks that will get you going in the morning.

Energy-rich drinks in the morning: lemon juice

Lemon juice is not only recommended in the morning on an empty stomach, it is also very healthy during the day or before going to bed.

The lemon is a versatile natural remedy, rich in vitamin C, which detoxifies our body, promotes fat loss and also strengthens the immune system. In addition, this delicious citrus fruit improves  liver and intestinal functions.

If you buy organically grown lemons, you can also use the peel  and mix it with the water and pulp, as it is very rich in nutrients.

Healthy drinks

Green tea

This is one of the most sought-after and healthiest teas, but it should always be taken outside of meals in order to be able to better absorb the valuable active ingredients.

Since it has a slightly stimulating effect, it gets you going in the morning. Nevertheless, it can also be drunk in the afternoon or evening, as it usually does not impair sleep.

Green tea is rich in antioxidants and has cleansing effects, ideal if you wake up in the morning with puffy eyes or face. With green tea you also activate the kidney functions.

Green tea is also anti-cancer and protects dental health.

Sea water

Sea water is used more and more often in the preparation of dishes. However, it can also be used as a remedy as it has a remineralizing and alkalizing effect.

Sea water promotes kidney health as it regulates the body’s water balance. At the same time it promotes the intestinal functions and therefore helps against constipation.

The correct dose plays an important role here:

  • Mix 50 ml of sea water with 150 ml of normal water.
  • Start with a smaller dose and gradually increase it.

Here you should pay attention to the reactions of your body. If taking the specified amount causes diarrhea, you should reduce it. If the constipation persists, you can gradually increase the dose.

Sea water

Ginger honey tea

This tea activates the metabolism and provides a lot of energy. That is why it is particularly recommended for all those who suffer from exhaustion, listlessness, fatigue or feeling cold.

Ginger is a hot spice that provides warmth, improves liver functions and has anti-inflammatory effects.

You can use fresh ginger and let it cook for 10 minutes (3 slices per cup) or use ginger powder.

The honey should be raw and natural. When buying it, make sure that it does not contain any additives or has been exposed to high temperatures in order to benefit from all the advantages.

Cinnamon stevia tea

This delicious and sweet tea is very rich in energy and improves the function of the pancreas, which is responsible for regulating blood sugar levels.

The cinnamon stevia tea is not only suitable for people who have a low blood sugar level, but also for those who often have cravings for sweets or who eat constantly.

Use Ceylon cinnamon, preferably organically grown, because it is much healthier than cassia cinnamon. You can use whole cinnamon sticks or powdered cinnamon.

With stevia, you should use a pure extract or the fresh or dried leaves directly. Refined stevia powder is not recommended as it no longer contains the healthy active ingredients.

Cinnamon tea

Which drink will you choose?

  • You can try one or more high-energy drinks and combine or alternate them as you wish.
  • We recommend drinking 2-4 glasses of high-energy drinks a day, warm or lukewarm, on an empty stomach. Then wait about 30 minutes for breakfast.

You will immediately feel positive results and start the new day full of energy.

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