Effective Recipe For Sciatic Pain: Garlic Milk

If you suffer from lactose intolerance, you can prepare this recipe with plant-based milk. The garlic is cut first so that the active ingredients can then fully develop.

Effective recipe for sciatica pain: garlic milk

Sciatic pain is caused by irritation of the sciatic nerve. This often leads to very uncomfortable pain that radiates from the lower back down to the legs, sometimes even down to the feet. Garlic milk could alleviate them.

This pain is one of the most common causes of sick leave  in middle-aged men. But women are also often affected.

Depending on the intensity, the pain can last for several days and severely impair the performance of daily tasks or even make it impossible.

If the nerve becomes inflamed or pinched,  which can occur due to trauma, a herniated disc or spinal stenosis, the result is usually intense pain and often numbness or tingling, as well as muscle weakness.

There are various  remedies with both pain reliever and anti-inflammatory properties that  provide relief and promote healing.

Today we would like to introduce you to an old, well-known recipe: garlic milk. This recipe is still popular today as an alternative remedy to help manage sciatic pain. 

Then you will learn more about the benefits and how you can prepare the garlic milk. Try them out!

Benefits of garlic milk for sciatic pain

Treat sciatic pain with garlic milk

Garlic milk is a natural drink that is very popular in traditional medicine for its healing and preventive properties.

In various cultures  , this milk is also used as a remedy for intestinal parasites  and viral and bacterial infections.

In recent years, the interesting properties of this agent as a  pain reliever for sciatica , which is characterized by its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, have also become known.

This is thanks to the  sulfur compounds and other essential nutrients  found in garlic milk:

  • Vitamins (A, B1 and C)
  • Minerals (iron, silicon, sulfur, iodine)
  • Polysaccharides
  • Proteins
  • Flavonoids
  • Enzymes

In addition, the antibiotic effect of garlic is very well known. This enables microorganisms that affect the natural microbiota to be  combated.

This benefit plays an important role in the fight against pain and in restoring the bacterial balance, which protects the body and improves the response against inflammation.

How is the garlic milk prepared for sciatica pain?

garlic milk

Garlic milk is made very simply by boiling garlic in milk. You can sweeten this drink with honey, but it doesn’t really improve the unpleasant taste.

For the preparation, the garlic cloves are crushed so that the active ingredients are released. You can either cut the garlic cloves finely or crush them with the press.

Cow’s milk is mostly used for this remedy, but vegetarians or people with lactose intolerance can  also use rice milk, almond milk or soy milk for it.


  • 5 cloves of garlic
  • 1 cup of milk (250 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons honey (optional) (50 g)


  • Peel the garlic cloves and then grind them with a mortar or press. You can also cut them into fine slices.
  • Then add the garlic to the milk and heat it at a low temperature for 15 minutes.
  • If you don’t want to boil the drink, you can let the garlic soak in the milk for at least two hours so that the active ingredients are released.


  • So that the remedy can help with sciatic pain, a cup of garlic milk (between 200 and 250 ml) is drunk every day. If the taste is suddenly too unpleasant, you can divide the milk into three smaller portions, which are taken during the day.
  • Keep drinking the garlic milk until the pain has completely eased.

Remember that you should also change  various habits and avoid physical strain to get the results you want .

Rest is important for the first few days to relieve symptoms, but physical activity afterwards is also important to prevent relapse.

In addition, it is important  to ensure correct posture!

If you do not change your lifestyle, you will not achieve the desired results with this remedy either.

If, despite all of these recommendations, the pain does not go away, you should definitely see a doctor.

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