Do You Want To Improve Your Health? Then Start With The Intestines …

Good intestinal health could be crucial for general well-being. A healthy intestine is therefore not only important for digestion

Do you want to improve your health?  Then start with the intestines ...

It has long been known that the microorganisms present in the intestine are of great importance for healthy digestion.

In recent studies, however, it has been found that the bacteria in the intestinal flora or microbiota could also be linked to the development of obesity and metabolic health.

Good gut health could be key to overall wellbeing. A healthy intestine is therefore not only important – as has long been assumed – for digestion,  but for the entire organism.

Gut and health


The microorganisms present in the intestine are not only crucial for digestion but also for the immune system.

Between 60 and 80% of the immune system is in the gut. For this reason, the intestine plays an extremely important role in general health and in the prevention of numerous diseases.

The immune system tissues in the gastrointestinal tract are considered to be the largest and most complex part of the immune system. In the intestine, the microorganisms fulfill important functions for a strong, balanced immune system.

This is where antibodies are produced that are responsible for fighting off various diseases.

But that’s not all:  the gut is also responsible for 90% of the neurotransmitters that  are related to the state of mind and emotions.

When someone has gastrointestinal problems, other health problems can arise as well. These include, for example, the following:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
  • diabetes
  • chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Anxiety
  • depressions
  • Eczema

That is why it is very important to keep the intestines healthy. The doctor and alternative practitioner Amy Myers, specialist in functional medicine, has developed the “4 R program”, which aims to rehabilitate the intestines in order to heal itself.

The 4 R program

Dairy products

REMOVE – avoiding harmful foods

This first step is about avoiding anything that damages the gastrointestinal tract. Anti-inflammatory and irritating products such as alcohol, caffeine and drugs are avoided.

Foods that can cause infections are also removed from the diet. Foods that promote inflammation also include  all those that can also trigger intolerance: 

  • gluten
  • Dairy products
  • Corn
  • soy
  • Eggs
  • sugar

It is important to do an IgG blood test to measure the level of immunoglobulin protein in the blood. Food sensitivity tests are also done to find out if there is an intolerance to any of these foods.

Infections can be caused by parasites, bacteria, or yeasts. A stool analysis can tell you how many good bacteria there are and whether there is an infection.

Medicinal herbs, antiparasitic treatments or antibiotics (which are not necessarily recommended) are available to treat infections.

REPLACE – replace


The body needs various substances for good digestion and the correct absorption of nutrients. When taking medication, dieting, illness or getting older, these may be used up.

It is therefore very important to include these substances in your diet to ensure good digestion. These are the  following active ingredients:

  • Digestive enzymes
  • Acids
  • Bile acids

REINOCULATE – restoration of the intestinal flora

It is very important to restore the good bacteria in the gut so that they can then work properly. This can be achieved by consuming probiotic supplements that contain the necessary bacteria. 

These include, for example, bifido bacteria and lactobacilli. The consumption of fiber should also be increased.

REPAIR – repairing the bowel

Aloe vera

The final step of the 4R program focuses on cleansing the intestines through foods with essential nutrients. The intestines need various substances in order to function properly.

For example, you can take L-glutamine through dietary supplements – it’s an amino acid that helps rejuvenate the lining of the intestinal walls.

In addition, the intestine needs other nutrients such as zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A, C and E as well as plants such as elm or aloe vera.

This intestinal rehabilitation program can then be an important aid in the treatment of various diseases. It is worth practicing this method and reaping all of its health benefits.

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