Discover The Great Benefits Of Soaked Almonds

Soaking almonds in water before consuming them helps the body process the nutrients much better.

Discover the great benefits of soaked almonds

Soaked almonds are a tradition in many countries, such as India. At first, this may seem a bit strange or not very useful. But the benefits of soaked almonds are innumerable.

Soaked almonds can be used to treat common problems such as digestive problems or tension.

Similarly, one should eat 5 soaked almonds for breakfast every morning. So you get an ideal nutrient bomb, perfect to support weight loss.

As the article progresses, we want to share all of the tricks on how to make this natural resource your greatest ally.

1. Nutrients from soaked almonds

These dried fruits and their benefits are well known. It has already become a habit for many people to consume almond products on a daily basis.

  • However, there is another fact that you should know: to get the maximum benefit from the nutrients it contains, you should soak the almonds overnight.
  • This makes it very easy to remove the brown shell that surrounds it. This prevents the almond’s own enzymes from becoming active.
  • This also makes the nuts softer. This makes them easier to chew and less difficult to digest.
  • With the consumption of only 5 almonds per day you can improve your memory and replenish your stores of vitamin E, zinc, calcium, magnesium and essential fatty acids like omega 3.

2. Improve digestion naturally


The almonds soaked in water facilitate the release of digestive enzymes. So if you soak the nuts in water for at least 8 hours, lipases are released, which facilitate the metabolism of fats.

3. Support weight loss with almonds

The valuable unsaturated fatty acids and omega-3 fatty acids contained in nuts can be of great help in weight loss:

  • They lead to satiety.
  • Constipation is relieved.
  • The digestion of fats is supported.
  • Muscle mass is strengthened and fatigue is reduced.
  • They help fight metabolic syndrome.

4. Protection for the heart


It is a fact that we all know. To take care of the health of our heart, walnuts are the best choice. However, almonds are at least as effective at this.

This type of nut helps lower bad  LDL ( low density lipoprotein) cholesterol .

All you have to do is eat 5 soaked almonds a day. In this way, the body can absorb the minerals and antioxidants it contains much better. In this way, veins and arteries are strengthened, blood flow promoted and the arterial walls remain healthy.

5. Almonds are a great source of vitamin E.

Soaked almonds are a good source of antioxidants (especially vitamin E).

This vitamin appears in large quantities especially when the brown shell is removed from the nut.

In addition, the water it contains makes the nut much easier to chew. All of this together makes the delicious nut a wonderful source of the aforementioned vitamin E. This prevents premature signs of aging and alleviates inflammation.

At the same time , the high content of antioxidants also helps to prevent cancer from developing.

6. Soaked almonds are ideal for children


If you get your offspring to eat between 4 to 6 soaked almonds every day, you support the healthy development of the brain.

The nuts are rich in folic acid and essential fatty acids. They are ideal for supporting memory and  improving children’s cognitive skills. In addition, adequate growth of bones and muscles is guaranteed.

7. Soaked almonds for glowing skin

The soaked nuts also care for your skin:

  • Mix them together and make a paste out of them.
  • Apply this face mask and leave it on for 20 minutes.
  • This supplies the skin with moisture and makes it firmer. It gets a natural shine and the renewal of the cells is stimulated.

Almonds are particularly rich in nutrients in every form. If you want to use and digest their ingredients better, it is recommended to soak the almonds in water overnight (at least 8 hours).

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