Diet Plan To Reduce Triglycerides

With this delicious weekly diet plan we can reduce the consumption of harmful fats and calories in order to lower triglycerides . The plan offers a balanced diet that is easy to implement.

Diet plan to lower triglycerides

A healthy eating plan  is imperative to lower triglycerides. These fats are used by the body as a source of energy. However, they easily become lodged in the arteries and increase the risk of developing serious cardiovascular disorders.

The disease is called “hypertriglyceridemia” among experts and often occurs because of an imbalance in the organism. This is due to problems such as obesity, obesity, alcohol consumption, and diabetes mellitus.

Of course, it’s not a direct consequence, but a diet high in fats and calories can complicate the disease. Aside from medical treatment, improving our eating habits is important to successfully control the disease.

We would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to a weekly nutrition  plan that, by combining different foods, helps lower triglycerides in a natural and safe way.

Do not doubt to try it out!

Healthy Eating Plan To Lower Triglycerides: Important Aspects

Triglycerides are the lipids that are most commonly found in the bloodstream. The organism produces them using the fatty acids in our food. They are later released into the bloodstream by hormones to serve as a source of energy.

However, as with cholesterol, an excess of this substance can narrow or block the arteries.  This in turn increases the risk of arteriosclerosis, heart disease and strokes.

Medication may be needed to control triglycerides. Nevertheless, one should pay attention to a healthy diet in order to use its beneficial effects.

How do you lower triglycerides through diet?

healthy breakfast

There are many diet plans available to effectively lower triglycerides. Regardless, there is general advice :

  • Don’t exceed the daily recommended amount of calories. The organism converts the calories into triglycerides  and stores them in the cells for later use.
  • Avoid consuming saturated fats and trans fats. These are usually found in products of animal origin, such as sausage or processed dairy products.
  • Make sure to increase your fiber intake.  These help regulate lipids in the bloodstream.
  • In particular, avoid alcoholic beverages.
  • Remove sugars and simple carbohydrates from your diet immediately.

Foods Allowed to Lower Triglycerides

The following foods help control triglycerides:

  • olive oil
  • legumes
  • avocado
  • Oily fish
  • oatmeal
  • Dried fruit and grains
  • green vegetables
  • fruit
  • lean meat

Prohibited foods

prohibited sausages

The foods that we should strictly reduce include:

  • Whole milk products
  • Red meat
  • Sausages
  • Offal
  • Mayonnaise and industrial dressings
  • Industrial bread
  • Chips and fast food
  • Saturated fat and lard

A model of a weekly diet plan for lowering triglycerides

Steamed salmon with vegetables

The weekly triglyceride lowering diet plan tries to reduce harmful fats as much as possible in order to bring lipids under control. It’s a varied and balanced plan. It doesn’t cause any side effects as it doesn’t skip any of the food groups.


  • Breakfast: a cup of coffee with skimmed milk, a slice of rusks with tomato and a kiwi.
  • In the morning: a cup of herbal tea and a vegetable sandwich.
  • Lunch: a plate of baked artichokes, grilled fish and a piece of fruit.
  • Afternoon: a cup of low-fat yogurt.
  • Dinner: half a plate of grilled asparagus and a serving of chicken breast


  • Breakfast: a glass of orange juice and a slice of bread with avocado.
  • In the morning: a cup of tea and fruit.
  • Lunch: a plate of whole wheat pasta salad and baked hake with vegetables.
  • Afternoon: a slice of rusks with a slice of turkey ham.
  • Dinner: a plate of mixed salad with nuts and tuna.


  • Breakfast: a glass of oat milkshake with banana and apple.
  • In the morning: a plate of diced fruit with oatmeal.
  • Lunch: rice with vegetables and baked sole with paprika.
  • Afternoon: a cup of tea and a slice of whole wheat bread with olive oil.
  • Dinner: a plate of grilled eggplant or vegetable soup.


  • Breakfast: a glass of orange juice, a slice of bread with turkey ham and a slice of tomato, a banana.
  • In the morning: a granola bar or fruit salad.
  • Lunch: half a plate of fried asparagus and a portion of tuna.
  • Afternoon: three spoons of oatmeal in milk or water and a piece of fruit.
  • Dinner: half a plate of fried vegetables and baked fish.


  • Breakfast: a plate of whole grain muesli without sugar and a glass of skimmed milk.
  • In the morning: a vegetable sandwich and a cup of tea.
  • Lunch: a plate of pasta with chicken and vegetables.
  • Afternoon: a cup of low-fat yogurt with ground dried fruit.
  • Dinner: half a plate of fried mushrooms with ham.


  • Breakfast: a slice of bread with olive oil and tomato, a cup of tea.
  • In the morning: a handful of dried fruit or bread with avocado.
  • Lunch: a serving of veal fillet and baked potatoes.
  • Afternoon: a piece of fruit or natural yogurt.
  • Dinner: a fish fillet with lemon and a serving of salad or whole grain rice.


  • Free menu, which may only contain healthy ingredients (you can also repeat one of the daily menus).

Did your triglyceride test fail? Then try this weekly nutrition plan to restore normal levels.

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