Delicious Galician-style Squid

The first step is very important for the success of the Galician-style squid recipe: quenching the squid. The marine animal is immersed in boiling water several times in a row for a few seconds.

Delicious Galician style squid

Recipes with seafood are delicious and add variety to the lunch menu. They’re healthy too, so today we’re bringing you a delicious Galician-style squid  recipe .

When preparing your meals, you should of course always pay close attention to details. This doesn’t just apply to the Galician-style octopus recipe .

Maybe it’s the first time you’ve tried it. And here you should pay close attention to the instructions.

In addition, the information on the nutritional values of seafood is also interesting. Because this recipe provides you with a particularly large number of valuable nutrients.

As you can see, this dish is highly recommended. Because it provides your organism with important elements. It’s delicious at the same time. And it has another advantage: you eat something other than red meat.

An important trick: this is how the squid becomes tender and soft

One more thing: maybe this is your first time trying this recipe. Then it is also interesting to learn something about the cultural background of this dish.

Because there is some controversy with this type of preparation. This is mainly due to the fact that, according to the recipe, the squid must still be alive when it is prepared.

You ask why Very simple: consistency and texture. The Galician-style octopus just won’t be as tasty if you buy it prepackaged at a fish shop.

So that the meat is actually completely tender and soft, you have to dip the squid briefly in boiling water several times in a row. And believe us, you can tell the difference when you eat!

But one by one. You will find out this and other interesting information in a moment. Let me also tell you that it’s not just the squid that is delicious.

This recipe also includes olive oil and potatoes. Both form a delicious contrast in terms of taste. We hope you too will enjoy this culinary delight!

Now all that remains is to explain the exact steps for the recipe to you. Because with it you can easily cook this delicious and traditional Spanish dish.

We are sure: especially if you are a fan of seafood, you will love it!

Discover the traditional Galician-style squid recipe

Briefly about the history of this recipe

Galician style squid

To get the traditional Galician-style squid recipe right, one has to follow a rather strange procedure. In Galicia it is called “deterrence”. This basically means that you have to briefly cook the squid three times.

The sea creature is briefly placed in a pot of boiling water. By the way, this pot should be made of copper if possible.

You leave the squid in the water for a few seconds and then take it out again. Repeat this process three times. The whole point of this is to make the meat softer.

Because this relaxes the nerves. And so the meat tastes much better. In addition, there is no need to skin the animal using this procedure.

Nowadays this dish is mostly served as a tapa. This recipe is very popular all over Spain, but also in other parts of the world.

So now you know all the details and curiosities of this traditional Galician dish. Then all that remains is to get started with the preparation! Let’s see how you do it!

Galician style octopus recipe

Galician style squid with potatoes


  • 1 whole squid (about 2 kilos)
  • 5 large potatoes (approx. 1 kg)
  • 4 tablespoons of olive oil (60 ml)
  • 3 tablespoons of sea salt (45 g)
  • 1 tablespoon paprika powder (15 g)


  1. First you need to heat water in a large saucepan. The pot should really be big enough. Otherwise the squid won’t fit in. And then that’s a pretty annoying problem.
  2. When the water is about to boil, it is time to “deter” the squid.
  3. Don’t panic, it’s very easy. You only have to put it in the water for a few seconds and then take it out again. You repeat this process three times. Leave the squid in the water for about 5 seconds each time.
  4. Then you let the squid simmer in the saucepan for 40 minutes.
  5. After this time has elapsed, let it rest for about 5 minutes and let it cool down. You shouldn’t touch it while doing this.
  6. Then drain well. It should be almost completely dry.
  7. Now cut the tentacles of the squid into slices. Put them in another, slightly smaller pot. Then cook for another 20 minutes.
  8. Meanwhile, peel the potatoes and cut them into four pieces.
  9. Then you boil the potatoes in another pot with salted water.
  10. Finally, cut up the remaining squid with cooking scissors. The pieces shouldn’t be larger than 3 centimeters. Because this is how they fit perfectly on the plate when serving.
  11. Finally, serve the squid on a wooden plate. Before doing this, add a little paprika powder and sea salt. And finally a splash of olive oil.

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