Delicious Cabbage Soup For Weight Loss

You want to find out more about the cabbage soup diet? Read on to find out how you can lose those pesky pounds in just a week.

Delicious cabbage soup for weight loss

Losing weight is one of the most common goals of many people. If you are one of them and would like to lose a pound or two, you should take a closer look at the following article. We’ll tell you how you can use our cabbage soup to lose weight.

With  cabbage soup for weight loss, you can lose significant weight in just a week. However, if you choose to go on the cabbage soup diet, you should be careful. It is very restrictive and under no circumstances should it be carried out for more than a week.

We’ll  tell you everything you should know about weight loss cabbage soup.

Characteristics of the cabbage soup diet

Before starting any diet based on this soup, make sure you read up on its specifics.

Cabbage soup for weight loss and its features

The most important thing to know is that it only lasts a week, but you have to strictly follow all the rules of the cabbage soup diet every day. You are not only allowed to eat cabbage soup during these seven days: other foods are also allowed, but you have to observe some restrictions, which we will explain to you below.

Another hallmark of this diet is that you can lose up to 10 pounds with it. Of course, this also depends on your metabolism and exercise.

The cabbage soup for weight loss has a cleansing effect, makes you full quickly and for a long time and is rich in vitamins and minerals.

When we say this diet is restrictive, we mean it is low in calories (800 daily). For this reason, you shouldn’t do them for too long, otherwise an imbalance will arise in the body if it does not receive enough carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

Ingredients for the cabbage soup for weight loss

  • 1 cabbage
  • 2 peppers
  • 6 large onions
  • 6 tomatoes
  • 1 stick of celery
  • Salt to taste


  • First cut the vegetables and put them in boiling water.
  • Then season with salt and pepper to taste.
  • Then cook on high for 10 minutes.
  • Then turn down the temperature and cook for another half an hour.

Diet for every day

As mentioned earlier, you should eat a specific diet throughout the week. In the following we will show you what you can eat every day.

day 1

You can eat as much cabbage soup as you want. And also all the fruits you fancy, except bananas and avocado.

Fruit and cabbage soup for weight loss

You should also drink plenty of fluids, such as water and herbal teas. Under no circumstances should you consume carbonated drinks or alcohol. You can always eat the permitted foods when you are hungry.

day 2

In addition to cabbage soup, you can also eat as many raw and cooked vegetables as you want. A potato is also allowed on this day.

Day 3

Whenever you want you can eat vegetables, fruits and soup. However, you have to do without bananas, avocados and potatoes.

Day 4

You can drink low-fat milk for breakfast and as a morning snack. You can also eat 4 bananas throughout the day. If you don’t like bananas that much, you can replace them with another type of fruit. Eat the cabbage soup for weight loss whenever you feel hungry.

Day 5

On this day, too, you can always eat cabbage soup if you have an appetite. You can also have a serving of meat for lunch and dinner, either beef, chicken, or fish. 6 tomatoes are also allowed. You can cut it in half and season with garlic, oregano, and olive oil.

Grilled fish and cabbage soup for weight loss

Day 6

On day 6 you can have two servings of chicken, meat, fish or pork with a vegetable side dish of your choice. Of course, you can satisfy your hunger with cabbage soup.

Day 7

You should have rice and raw or cooked vegetables at every meal and also eat a lot of fruit and of course the cabbage soup.

Other Recommendations

Now we’re going to tell you a few more tips that you should definitely keep in mind with the cabbage soup diet.

  • Drink two liters of water (8 glasses) daily.
  • No alcohol or carbonated drinks.
  • Drink herbal teas and coffee.
  • Avoid pasta and legumes during the diet.
  • Eat potatoes only on the designated day. They are strictly forbidden on the other days.
  • For vegetables, you should prefer lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, alfalfa, spinach, cucumber, broccoli and celery.
  • In the case of fruit, pineapples, peaches, oranges, melons, watermelons, pears, and apples are best.
  • You can only eat bananas, coconuts or figs on the day mentioned.
  • After a week, you should stop the diet.

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