Crisp And Healthy: 3 Recipes With Celery!

Celery is also called white celery or perennial / steep celery. Find out more about its advantages and 3 delicious recipes here!

Crisp and healthy: 3 recipes with celery!

Celery not only comes into our kitchen as celeriac, it is also popular as celery or celery – especially in summer with fresh dips, in salads or soups. In this article you will learn everything about its benefits and delicious recipes with celery !


Whether you like him celery, celery stalk, celery call or celery, it’s always the same plant!

It is so pale because the stalks are covered with piles of earth as they grow, so that less sun comes to the plant and thus less chlorophyll can be produced. Hence the name “celery”.

If you see this celery with slightly darker stalks in stores, it is only because they received a little more light as they grew. Celery is usually offered without the leaves and sold in bundles that can weigh up to 1kg.

If there are leaves on the sticks, you can use them to season soups, stews and salads, because they are also edible and have a great aroma! In contrast to celeriac, the aroma of the sticks is finer and the beta-carotene content is slightly higher.


Healthy bars

Celery is particularly rich in B vitamins and vitamin E. They also contain potassium, calcium and iron. The darker and greener the color, the more provitamin A the celery contains.

Even if they sometimes hang between your teeth, the long fibers that run like “threads” along the bars, you should definitely eat them too! They are part of the dietary fiber in these vegetables!

Since this type of celery contains a lot of water, it is very low in calories. 100g of it contains about 15 calories! Warning: some people are allergic to celery!

Even if celery looks different: Allergy sufferers must never eat it, as this could lead to an allergic shock!

Recipes with celery sticks

Celery can be eaten cold or warm, which makes it a real all-rounder in the kitchen. Some recipes recommend that you use a peeler, for example, to remove the long fibers or “threads” before preparation.

However, we strongly recommend processing these fibers as well. If you cut the bars into small slices, these fibers are also short and are very useful for you and your body as fiber!


Celery and wheat “risotto”

This recipe is ideal as a side dish to fish, but also as a vegetarian main course. The name “risotto” is a bit misleading as it does not use rice. The look and preparation are very similar.

Tender wheat is used instead of rice, the round grains of which are often sold under the name “Ebly”. You need:

  • 1 bunch of celery
  • 2 shallots
  • 2 cups of tender wheat
  • Vegetable broth
  • Juice of a lime
  • 125ml cream
  • butter
  • pepper and salt

Cut the celery into small cubes, cut the shallots into small pieces and then sweat both together with the soft wheat grains in a little butter. Gradually pour in the vegetable stock and stir constantly so that the “risotto” becomes creamy.

Depending on the type / brand of soft wheat , the required amount of vegetable stock and the cooking time will vary. It is important that the soft wheat is cooked soft, but still has a bit of “bite” when you serve it.

When the soft wheat is done, add the cream and lemon juice and then season with salt and white pepper. Serve with fish or grated parmesan.

Celery drink

Celery and apple smoothie

This smoothie is ideal for breakfast. Make sure that you cut the celery stalks into very fine slices before putting them in the blender.

Most mixers are too weak to properly grind the stiff fibers of the sticks! You need:

  • 100g celery (including the leaves, if available)
  • 250g apple
  • 160g banana
  • 1 slice of ginger
  • 200ml water

The ingredients can vary in the number of grams, but the proportions should be correct. You can use our quantities to make about 2 large glasses. To do this, cut all the ingredients into small pieces and add them to a stand mixer with the water.

The banana makes the smoothie creamy and sweet at the same time!


Baked celery

A very simple, but heavenly delicious side dish for bratwurst, potatoes or meat. You need:

  • 1 bunch of celery
  • 250g sour cream or quark
  • 2 eggs
  • 100g grated cheese

Clean the celery stalks, cut into 2-3 cm long pieces and then  pre-cook them in vegetable stock until they are slightly firm to the bite. Drain. While the celery is cooking, whisk the quark or sour cream with the eggs.

Place the vegetables in an ovenproof dish and pour the egg mixture over them. Lift the celery into the custard and sprinkle everything with the grated cheese. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for about 15 minutes.

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