Common Questions About Arthritis

Genetics, lifestyle and other factors contribute to the development of arthritis. There are different types and forms, both in men and women.

Common questions about arthritis

In today’s article we want to take a closer look at the topic of arthritis. It is inflammation of the joints, but many people do not use the term properly. Arthritis is the umbrella term and rheumatoid arthritis and infection-related arthritis are the most common forms of the disease.

It is estimated that there are nearly 100 different types of arthritis, plus many more diseases that involve joint inflammation, pain, and stiffness.

Since it is a multifactorial and multifaceted disease, it is difficult to say how many people are actually affected by it. However, statistics confirm that 1 in 6 people have this disease. That is why we would like to try in this article to get to the bottom of the frequently asked questions about arthritis .

Arthritis Facts: Who Does It Affect?

People of any age can suffer from this disease, although the severity and symptoms of this joint inflammation can vary. Factors such as genetics, environment, and lifestyle seem to play important roles in this disease. It is also known that the risk of practically all forms of arthritis increases with age.

Lifestyle and physical condition also have a considerable influence. Both obesity and overweight can put stress on the joints (e.g. knees). Consequently, these can be the cause of joint diseases.

However, that does not mean that athletes are safe from this disease. Sometimes exactly the opposite is the case, because intensive exercise wears out the joints. Therefore, top athletes in particular suffer from this joint disease.

There is also a relationship between gender and the type of arthritis. Almost 60% of arthritis sufferers are women. However, there are certain types that mainly men develop, such as gouty arthritis (uric arthritis).

Woman with knee pain

What are the known causes?

The causes of certain types of arthritis have been researched: For example, it is known that certain infections can cause this disease. These infections include, for example, tuberculosis, gonorrhea or borreliosis. Gouty arthritis results from the accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints.

Professional activity also plays a role in the development of arthritis. Maintaining the same posture for hours and continuously can lead to joint inflammation over the years.

Things to know about arthritis: what are the symptoms?

Joint inflammation is usually associated with pain and restricted mobility. In some cases with stiffness and swelling. Only one joint or several can be affected. Arthritis can be symmetrical, but it doesn’t have to be.

Each species has its characteristics and the duration of the symptoms usually varies. Rheumatoid arthritis is symmetrical, affecting small joints (such as the finger joints). However, gout usually only affects one joint (often the big toe).

Things to Know About Arthritis: Treatment Options

In most cases, arthritis cannot be cured. However, if there is an underlying infection, it can be cured. The symptoms can be alleviated with various therapies.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are often used to reduce inflammation and pain. This is almost always the first therapeutic step. It is important to know that each treatment must be individual and based on the type of arthritis.

Therefore, if you experience any of the typical symptoms and think you suffer from this disease, it is important to seek medical advice. They must determine the cause and create a treatment plan that is specifically tailored to you. He can also answer all of your questions.

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