Coconut Oil – A Healthy Alternative To Sweetness

Coconut oil is very rich in energy. Its consumption does not negatively affect blood sugar levels.

Coconut oil - a healthy alternative to sweetening

What sweetener do you use for your coffee in the morning? Probably sugar! Then you should know that by doing so, you are undoing many of the benefits of coffee. Coconut oil could help.

Your energy will drop significantly after just 30 minutes. Amazed? However, if you add 1 teaspoon of coconut oil to coffee, you will start the morning with more energy and health.

This natural product, which is obtained from the pulp of the coconut, also has a large number of advantages that should be taken into account. We’ll explain it to you in more detail. Learn to sweeten your life the healthy way.

Be careful with the sugar you add to your body every day!


It can be difficult to completely eliminate sugar from our diet as it gives desserts, drinks, etc., a delicious taste. It is worth trying, however, as sugar is harmful to your health. As reminder:

  • Sugar is a highly processed product and is poison to our body. It can dangerously raise blood sugar levels, which can lead to fat build-up on the abdomen, hips, and arteries or veins.
  • We are used to regular sugar consumption, which can trigger long-term high blood sugar and cholesterol levels and even heart problems. Is it worth? No!
  • Sugar is the sweet poison that weakens our immune system, causes diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. Sugar can also be a silent trigger for certain types of cancer. A danger to our health that should be considered.

    There are many alternatives to sweeten our lives healthily. One of them is coconut oil.

    Coconut oil: the best sweetener for everyday life

    Coconut oil spoon

    It is easily available in the market, especially in natural and specialized stores. Compared to sugar, it is a little more expensive, but it is worthwhile because it has numerous advantages.

    Why is it so recommended as a natural sweetener?

    1. It is delicious and does not contain sugar

    Coconut oil contains no sugar, not even fructose. Even so, its taste is amazingly pleasant and sweet.

    In fact, it is ideal for making desserts and can then be used for a wide variety of dishes. Good to know: It does not contain any carbohydrates.

    2. Coconut oil contains healthy fatty acids

    It is rich in lauric acid, one of the most useful fatty acids. It also contains antioxidants and protects our heart health. What is interesting is that it has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties and is a natural preservative.

    3. Meals made with coconut oil are more energetic

    It provides more and healthier energy than sugar. After consuming sugar, the energy supply then drops very quickly.

    With the consumption of coconut oil, the blood sugar levels are not disturbed because it is then not processed into glucose. We process it  directly into energy. This is why it is so healthy and recommended as a sugar substitute.

    4. Coconut oil is versatile

    When preparing desserts, we often need liquid sugar. This has to be heated, oxidation occurs and harmful free radicals are released as a result.

    This can be avoided. It is usually sold in a solid state, but it liquefies at a temperature between 21 and 24 degrees, which makes it easier to mix with other ingredients.

    Really handy as it doesn’t need to be heated (which is also not recommended).

    5. Coconut oil is a treasure for our health

    It is very advisable for hypothyroidism, for example, as it is rich in vitamin B, calcium, magnesium, folic acid and numerous other vitamins. It is mainly used in weight loss programs as it boosts the metabolism. Wonderful, isn’t it?

    Coconut oil bowl

    Coconut oil is a gift from nature that you should also incorporate into your daily nutrition plan. It is especially excellent for morning coffee and delicious desserts. Convinced? Try it yourself!

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