Cleaning Suede Shoes: Useful Tips

One of the most commonly used materials for shoes is suede. However, this material does require a certain amount of daily maintenance. For this reason, we would like to give you a number of tips on how to care for and clean suede shoes.

Cleaning suede shoes: useful tips

Suede is one of the most common materials used in the shoe and handbag industry, but it is also used in the manufacture of clothing. Most of it comes from cowhide, but  goat, sheep and deerskin can also be used. The soft, velvety texture of suede feels comfortable. In short, suede is the classic favorite in the clothing industry. This material never goes out of style … but it can lose its beauty. This is why it is important to know how to clean suede shoes so that they last a long time.

Whether it’s a pair of women’s shoes, boots or tennis shoes, you can’t go wrong with suede shoes . However, this material is also sensitive! It can wear out quickly and get dirty easily. When it’s new, suede is gorgeous  and we want to tell you how to keep it so beautiful.

To keep your suede shoes from becoming colorless or grubby, you need to take care of them in a specific way. You cannot clean suede with any product or you will damage it. With this in mind, here are a number of tips for caring for and cleaning suede shoes.

Tips for cleaning suede shoes

Apply leather protectants before wearing

Protective means for suede shoes

Before you wear your shoes for the first time, the suede was protected from dirt and moisture with waterproofing sprays.

To take care of your suede shoes, you should spray them with a leather protection spray before wearing them for the first time. You can find a variety of these products on the market that are used to waterproof your shoes. That way, they won’t get wet or dirty when it rains.

In addition, leather protection sprays also help to preserve the original color of the suede. They also prevent dirt and stains from penetrating the material.

However, for this type of protection to be effective, you must apply the spray before using your shoes. Otherwise it will not protect the suede, but will only fix the dirt that is already there.

Suede shoes: use a special brush to clean them

To clean suede shoes, you need a special brush. In the rule, you can buy such a brush in the same store where you bought your shoes. They are also available in shoe stores that specialize in suede. What you need is a gentle brush that won’t damage the delicate fibers of the material .

Each manufacturer has its own set of instructions and should be followed carefully. The best thing to do is to rub the brush on a small, inconspicuous area of ​​the shoe to test it. So you can be sure that you have chosen the right brush.

cleaning shoes

Dirt residues and signs of use can be easily removed with a soft brush.

You should only use the brush on dry shoes. This makes it easier to remove dust and other dirt that has settled on the suede. If your shoes are not very dirty, you can restore their original appearance by simply rubbing the entire surface gently with the brush. Make sure to always brush in the same direction.

If you’re struggling with more wear and tear than just a little dirt, you’ll need to brush with a little more intensity. For good results, you should always make sure that your brush is clean. This is especially important when it comes to light-colored suede. Therefore, clean your suede brush thoroughly after each use. That way, it’s always clean and dry when you need it.

Suede shoes: tricks to get rid of stains

Care of suede shoes

Use these cleaning and care tricks to keep your suede shoes looking new.

First of all, if you have a fresh stain on your suede shoes, then you should immediately dry it with absorbent paper. This way, you will prevent the stain from spreading over the surface of your shoe.

The best way to remove an already dried stain is with a white eraser. First, rub it gently over the stain until it disappears. When the stain is gone, you can use a dry towel to restore the structure of the suede. Be very careful with this step.

If the stain doesn’t go away after you’ve tried cleaning, you can use vinegar. This liquid is an excellent tool for cleaning household chores. Moisten a clean rag with vinegar and gently press it onto the surface of your shoe.

Be careful not to rub. Simply press the rag firmly into place with gentle movements.

Baking soda can also be very useful for removing stains from suede shoes. Simply sprinkle a little of this powder over the dry stain and let it sit for about two hours . When this time is up, gently remove the baking soda with your suede brush.

In the end, we hope these tips will help you keep your shoes in tip-top condition!

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