Benefits Of Slimming Massages

It is important to perform these massages regularly, even if the results are not felt immediately. They improve blood circulation, reduce stress and have a relaxing effect.

Benefits of slimming massages

If you want to have a healthy and attractive body, you should follow a balanced, healthy diet and exercise regularly. There are also various methods that can strengthen certain areas of the body such as arms, stomach or legs and tighten the skin. For example, slimming massages, which are very simple and can be used at home, can help. 

There are various supportive products for tightening arms, waist, stomach and legs or for fat loss and against cellulite or varicose veins.

These slimming massages not only help you look better, they also work against stress and tension. Massages also help with muscle pain, as well as improving blood circulation and flexibility. It involves a wide variety of movements that are carried out on the individual body zones. This  requires alcohol, a peeling glove and a firming cream. 

Before starting, the area to be treated is gently cleaned without irritating the skin.

Luffa glove massage

Massage the selected areas with a peeling glove in circular movements and use the firming cream. You can massage in different directions, but never from top to bottom so that  the skin does not become even more slack.  The massage applies gentle pressure without causing pain. Finally, clean the skin again.

Homemade firming cream

Cold cream

To make this cream, a teaspoon of seaweed, rosemary, aloe vera, mint, gotu kola, horsetail, ivy and elastin are boiled in a water bath in half a liter of water. While some of these ingredients are not well known, they can be found in almost every health food store. 

Mix all ingredients and then let them cool down. You can store the cream in a glass jar in the refrigerator to keep it fresh and last longer.

Coffee for your legs

Coffee massage

This cream is particularly recommended for removing dead skin cells from the legs. It is made from coffee and is ideal for use after hair removal. 


  • 4 tbsp sugar
  • 4 tablespoons of ground coffee
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp sea salt
  • 2 tablespoons of honey


Mix the sugar with the ground coffee, the olive oil and the sea salt, then add the honey and, with this cream, the feet and legs with circular movements. This acts like an exfoliator and is very relaxing. 

Leg massage

Appropriate massage movements

Rubbing, kneading and tapping

It is best to knead the skin with your hands, gently at the beginning and gradually more intensely. The movements are carried out clockwise. We recommend a 20-minute massage, which should also include light strokes with the flat of the hand and tapping.

It often takes a few days for results to show up.  Massages are all around healthy, both for the external as well as for the internal well-being. They relieve stress and promote blood circulation.

Remember to drink enough water to keep your body hydrated and toxins removed, exercising (e.g. running, cycling, or swimming), and getting enough sleep (eight hours is ideal for adults).

A healthy diet with lots of fruit and vegetables is also crucial, because they provide the body with the nutrients it needs to stay healthy and fit.

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