Avoiding Muscle Cramps: Tips U0026 Advice

Lack of fluids, poor physical condition or being overweight can promote cramps. If these occur during sleep, it is due to a problem with blood flow in the muscles.

What can you do to avoid muscle cramps ?

Muscle cramps are usually not a serious risk because they occur, for example, after exercise. Learn how this happens and what you can do to avoid muscle spasms in this article .

Some data on muscle spasms

The reasons for muscle cramps are various: they range from an insufficient supply of oxygen to the muscles or a lack of minerals, to poor posture or prolonged exertion, cold or abrupt movements.

Even if you don’t stretch properly after exercising, cramps can develop. The muscle suddenly contracts and causes pain.

Muscle cramps can also occur during sleep as the blood flow in the muscles changes. If you go to bed immediately after eating, the blood is needed in the digestive system (especially in the stomach) and no longer reaches all the other muscles.

Triggers muscle spasms

If the muscle spasms are caused by exercise and exercise, they are said to be caused by an accumulation and overproduction of lactic acid.

Glucose oxidizes with the oxygen in the cells so that energy is produced in a normal state and our body can function normally. If the physical activity lasts longer, this process can be influenced.

If there is no oxygen available, the glucose turns into lactic acid. However, this is not harmful to the human body.

The muscle cramps are usually harmless and do not require any special treatment. Doctors usually think that there is nothing you can do to prevent muscle spasms.

However, you shouldn’t do any sport after eating and should always stretch nicely afterwards. There are also some home remedies available to help prevent muscle spasms.

There are other causes of muscle spasms as well. This includes:

  • Lifting an object,
  • less than two liters of water a day,
  • if we are not in shape or are overweight,
  • ingest a lot of sodium through the diet,
  • are exposed to high temperatures during sporting activities
  • or don’t know the right techniques,
  • because of the cold or when we stretch too little.

While any of our muscles can have a spasm, there are different groups that are most affected. These are the four-headed muscles (on the front of the thighs); the muscles of the thighs and calves.

Advice on how to avoid muscle cramps

If you are currently suffering from muscle cramps, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Stop exercising or exercising.
  • Gently stretch the muscle. Hold this position for some time until the muscle spasms subside on their own.
  • If the cramps occur in the calf, it is best to place a hand on the muscle and press up with your fingers to the knee.
  • When the cramps occur in the four-headed muscles, raise your ankle up to your buttocks and move your heel. This way you can move the affected muscle.
  • If the thigh muscle cramps occur, it is important that you sit down and stretch the muscle. Then massage the muscle with gentle movements.
  • Take a short walk in slow steps.
  • Drink water and drinks with minerals so that the composition of the salts in the body rebalances after the loss of fluids.
  • If you experience severe pain, you can place an ice cube on the affected area. Make sure to wrap the ice in a cloth so you don’t harm the skin. Leave the ice in place for a moment, then stretch the muscle to allow blood to circulate normally again.



Natural home remedies for muscle cramps

Here are some natural remedies that can help relieve muscle spasms:

  • Bandage the affected muscle to prevent the muscle from swelling.
  • Drink gingko biloba tea daily. To do this, add three spoons of this tea to boiling water for 10 minutes.
  • Gently massage the affected area with essential oils (rosemary, eucalyptus, pine nut, or thyme oil). The resulting heat helps relieve muscle spasms.
  • Mix some vinegar and honey in a cup of hot water. Drink the mixture to help the calcium spread throughout your body.
  • Boil one liter of water with some mustard seeds for ten minutes. Soak your legs in this water for 20 minutes.
  • Drink a glass of water with 10 drops of bay tea twice a day.
  • Put some apple cider vinegar and arnica on a cloth or some cotton wool and place it on the affected area for 5 minutes. Repeat if necessary. In this way the pain disappears and blood circulation is stimulated.
  • Mix a spoonful of baking soda with a cup of water and drink the mixture. This home remedy is excellent for muscle spasms. However , this agent is not suitable for people with water retention.
  • Make a shake with a cup of milk, half a cup of yogurt, half a cup of orange juice, and a peeled banana. Drink this shake on an empty stomach for three days. The potassium in the banana works wonderfully in preventing muscle spasms.
  • Put a spoonful of cumin seeds in half a liter of water and let it steep for an hour. Dip a cloth in the liquid and apply it to the affected area.



Images provided by Jon Candy, Steffy Wonder, Phillip Capper, FatooM Qoughandoqa, Erin Koch.

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