Ajiaco Soup: We’ll Tell You How It Is Prepared

It is well known that South American cuisine is very diverse, spicy and colorful. In today’s article you will find a recipe for the classic Ajiaco soup. This is a creamy Colombian chicken soup that is sure to inspire you.

Ajiaco soup: we'll tell you how to prepare it

The ajiaco soup,  also called ajiaco is particularly like to eat in Colombia, Peru and Chile. The hearty soup is traditionally prepared in these countries and is very popular.

It can be prepared in many different ways, so today we’re going to introduce you to the classic recipe for this South American specialty. You can then vary this according to your own personal taste.

The Ajiaco soup mainly consists of a broth or soup, which is enriched and refined with chicken and various types of vegetables.

In South America it is also served in special clay bowls, which gives the soup another special touch.

Surprise your family or guests with a delicious Ajiaco soup. You will see, the preparation is easier than you think! In addition, the soup provides you with valuable proteins and important nutrients due to its diverse ingredients.

In addition, the nutritious and very tasty Ajiaco soup contains many vitamins and minerals. It offers you everything that should be included in a healthy diet.

Due to the many ingredients and the creamy consistency, it is also very filling and therefore ideal if you feel tired or suffer from anemia.

The ingredients that you will need for the Ajiaco soup include, for example, herbs, carrots, onions, zucchini, peppers, potatoes, cassava, corn on the cob and, for some variations, cream.

Obviously, the ingredients are all very good sources of nutrients. Therefore, an average serving of soup (500 ml) will provide you with everything your body needs.

You should therefore definitely try them out, you will definitely enjoy them! Here is the classic recipe for Ajiaco soup.

Traditional Ajiaco soup

Ajiaco soup - recipe

As announced, today we will show you the recipe for the traditional version of Ajiaco soup.

Once you have cooked this recipe, you can vary and change the soup according to your own taste and taste. Let your imagination and creativity run free. Ultimately, this is the deciding factor if you want to refine your culinary art.


  • 2 red potatoes (100 g)
  • 15 g guasca
  • 2 tablespoons of salt
  • 4 small onions
  • 1 bell pepper
  • coriander
  • 2 peeled garlic cloves
  • 1 liter of water
  • 3 cubes of chicken stock (or 2 tablespoons of granulated chicken stock)
  • 3 skinless chicken breasts (400 g)
  • Garlic powder
  • 1 tablespoon of white pepper
  • 200 g green capers
  • 3 yellow corn on the cob (200 g)
  • 100 ml of cream
  • 3 medium white potatoes, peeled (175 g)
  • 225 g Creole potatoes (Papa Criolla), alternatively you can also use very floury potatoes


Ajiaco soup - on bowls
  • First, the chicken is cooked on its own. To do this, you have to salt it a little and rub it with garlic powder.
  • Season the meat only lightly, a little salt and garlic powder are sufficient. Let it simmer gently for 20 minutes.
  • Then you put the pre-cooked chicken in a large saucepan. Add some of the corn on the cob, onion, paprika, coriander, salt, and pepper.
  • Now you pour everything up with the water and add all the other ingredients (except for the potatoes) to the pot as well.
  • The cooking time should be around 35 to 45 minutes. It can vary somewhat depending on how quickly the water starts to boil. Mix all the ingredients together well and then you just need a little patience.
  • Then you take the chicken out of the broth and set it aside.
  • Now add the remaining corn on the cob to the soup and let it cook for another 10 minutes on a medium flame. When the time is up, add the diced potatoes (red, white and creole) and let the Ajiaco soup simmer for another 30 minutes.
  • You’re almost there! Now you can go back to the meat that you removed from the soup a while ago. By now it should have cooled down and you can rub it with a marinade of onions, pepper and coriander. Work the spices into the meat well.
  • Then you can put the chicken back in the soup and let it cook again for another 15 minutes.

Now your first homemade Ajiaco soup is ready and you can be enchanted by the culinary world of Colombia. We wish you bon appetite!

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