African Mango For Weight Loss Diets

Can you imagine losing weight with a natural dietary supplement? Read this article to learn more about the properties of the African mango!

African mango for weight loss diets

Eating should be a pleasure and a pleasure.  Still, have you long wanted to shed a few pounds? In the following article we will introduce you to the  African mango, a fruit that could help you lose weight.

African mango for weight loss diets

The African mango , whose scientific name is Irvingia gabonensis  , comes from a typical West African tree that can reach a height of between 25 and 40 meters. Its properties are highly valued in medicine as well as nutrition.

This fruit has not been known for very long in Europe and South America, but in West Africa it was already consumed 200 years ago, as a fresh fruit and as a thickener for soups.

The stone of this fruit is known as the dikka or ogbono nut. The people of Africa used this fruit not only as food, but also to  treat yellow fever and chronic diarrhea.

This type of mango was ideal for hunting and satisfying hunger for a long time.

How can you lose weight with African mango?

Various studies are underway to investigate the beneficial properties of this fruit in more detail. The research studies published so far all came to the same results: The African mango helps to lose weight.

In two studies, two random groups were formed with subjects who all wanted to lose weight. Over a period of 4 to 10 weeks, one group consumed a certain amount of African mangoes and the other a placebo.

The lifestyle and everyday habits of the participants were not changed.

The results of the studies: Those participants who took  Ir vingia gabonensis 30 minutes before meals   were then able to reduce their weight by an average of 5.6%  (an average of 10 kilos in both studies).

The people in the comparison group with the placebo lost an average of 1%. The  cholesterol and glucose levels in the blood were also significantly improved.

Another study used an extract from African mango, more precisely IGOB131. It could be observed in mice how this builds up in the fat cells.

Capsules with powder extract of the African mango are now available from a wide variety of suppliers. The studies carried out confirm the positive effect. This fruit brings the following benefits:

Positive properties of the African mango

  • Significant weight loss:  You can lose up to 3 kilos in the first week, and then as much as 11 kilos after the fourth week.
  • The mango helps burn fat.
  • Accelerated metabolism
  • The fruit lowers cholesterol levels (especially LDL).
  • It stabilizes the Blood sugar.
  • African mango has an appetite suppressant due to the high fiber content.
  • It is rich in antioxidants.
  • The fruit also helps  reduce toxins.
  • It is considered an efficient dietary supplement,  especially because of the vitamin B it contains.
  • It regulates leptin activity,  which also curbs appetite.

Is it a miracle fruit? It is sure to be a good choice with many positive properties that you too can benefit from, even if it is not a miracle fruit.

How is the African mango used for weight loss?

When buying African mangoes, there are a few things to consider beforehand.

1. Only the core of the mango

Do not forget that only the kernel of the African mango is used in the production of the capsules with the extract .

Pay particular attention to the concentration of the IGOB131. The effectiveness has been investigated in several studies and the good results of the treatment depend on the quality of the extract.

2. As an addition to diets

The African mango is a good addition to a healthy diet. Due to the appetite suppressing effect, you will then take in fewer calories. Make sure you drink enough water and get enough exercise.

3. Mango before meals

It has been found that the extract works better if you take the capsules 30 minutes before each meal, along with a glass of water.

4. Follow the advice of the product manufacturer

Even if it’s a natural product, you should follow the manufacturer’s instructions for  better results.

5. Beware of fraud

If you buy these products on the Internet, be aware that there are many poor quality products and that products are often touted that do not even exist. Order the  products only from known distributors. 

Do these products have any side effects?

No, usually not. Nevertheless, every new remedy brings  changes and can affect the metabolism. The African mango can also have side effects, but these usually only last a few days.

So that you don’t worry, we describe these possible side effects here:

Side effects of the African mango

  • Headache:  Usually, headaches indicate that the body needs more water and blood sugar levels have dropped.
  • Flatulence:  This is caused by the faster metabolism.
  • Insomnia:  The African mango provides a lot of energy and therefore you may not feel tired anymore. However, this problem can go away after a short time.
  • Dizziness:  It is rare for dizziness to occur, but with reduced calorie intake, dizziness attacks can occur.

Closing words

You are now informed about the positive and negative properties of the African mango. It is a natural, inexpensive product for weight loss. The decision is ultimately yours.  

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