About Eyelashes And Eyelash Growth

A balanced supply of nutrients is essential for healthy eyelash growth

About eyelashes and eyelash growth

Full, thick and beautifully curved eyelashes are every woman’s dream. But not every woman is gifted with great eyelash growth.

Basically, eyelashes are nothing more than head hair, i.e. the same as our hair, which we style in front of the mirror every morning.

In old age, as with main hair, it is completely normal that the eyelashes also become thinner. The eyelash growth also needs certain nutrients, like all other body hair. We introduce them to you!


Where do thin eyelashes come from?

Thick, strong eyelashes ensure an alert, beautiful look. So that the eyelashes can grow well, we have to support them. But what leads to sparse eyelash growth?

Wrong diet

Inadequate diets such as FdH, crash diets or zero diets can result in malnutrition. Important nutrients, vitamins and minerals are only taken in half (with FdH), not at all (zero diet) or inadequately (crash diet).

Bowel disease

Some intestinal diseases result in nutrients not being properly absorbed. Bulimia or anorexia also result in malnutrition and thus sparse hair growth on the head, eyelashes and eyebrows.



Some drugs have so many side effects that you don’t even want to read the package insert. Some “everyday medication” such as beta blockers, cholesterol lowering drugs or blood thinners can be responsible for thin eyelashes!

Have you noticed that your eyelashes have become significantly thinner and sparse since taking a special or new medication? You should study the leaflet that came with your medication very carefully. Do not stop taking the medication yourself, talk to your doctor!

Skin disorders

There are skin diseases that attack the hair roots and can lead to hair loss or poor hair growth. These include fungal infections, psoriasis, bacterial or viral infections, herpes or other types of eczema.


What promotes eyelash growth?

Depending on what is causing your unsightly eyelashes, changing your behavior can stop the bad growth. But you need patience until new eyelashes grow back!

Eyelashes grow a little slower than other body hair, so be patient and consistent if you want results!

Fruit Vegetable

Eat properly

Only a balanced diet completely covers the nutritional requirements. In order to have lush and thick eyelashes, you should not follow a diet or any other bizarre form of nutrition.

The basic structure of all cells is protein. Eyelashes, like all hair, are largely made of keratin. This in turn is made up of protein. Hence, it is important to eat protein.

Vitamins B5 (pantothenic acid), B3 (niacin), B11 / B9 (folic acid / folate), B6 ​​(pyridoxine) and B7 (= biotin, vitamin H) also ensure healthy skin and hair.

Among other things, these B vitamins are involved in sebum production, supply the hair roots and prevent inflammation.

Without biotin (vitamin H / vitamin B7), not a single eyelash, hair or skin can be formed. Yeast, legumes (especially soy), liver, oat flakes, nuts and dried fruits are particularly rich in B vitamins.


The trace element zinc is also important for the formation of skin and hair, such as eyelashes. Insufficient zinc intake often manifests itself in hair loss, dry skin and brittle nails.

Good sources of zinc in your diet are as follows. Red meats, cheeses, walnuts and pecans, mushrooms, yeast, legumes and seafood.

With all vitamins and minerals, it is important to consume them in their naturally occurring form. So to eat the vitamin C from a fresh paprika instead of taking an effervescent vitamin C tablet.

The packaging of the effervescent tablet says how many vitamins it contains, but not how much your body can actually absorb and use.

This is called “bioavailability”. In principle, this is always higher if you eat fresh foods that are as balanced and colorful as possible.

Long eyelashes

Do tinctures help?

It is with the eyelashes as well as with the long, flowing mane. You shouldn’t expect miracles from any tincture that promotes hair growth.

Of course there are many remedies, gels, tinctures, hair lotions and other products on the market that promise to stimulate eyelash growth.

In the age of the Internet, “testimonials” from alleged users who are said to have achieved great results by using these magic drugs quickly spread.

In fact, most of these “opinions”, “product reviews” or “awards” are purchased marketing tools. It is the same with the eyelashes as with the “woman as a total work of art”. True beauty comes from within!

In addition, even an expensive magic serum will not be able to do as much for your eyelash growth as a reasonable supply of the nutrients that your body needs to form eyelashes.

A balanced and healthy diet not only ensures good eyelash growth. It also provides so much more that serves your well-being and your health!

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