Neck Pain: Causes And Treatment

Correct posture is essential for the health of the spine. Techniques like yoga or meditation can also help relieve neck pain, especially if it’s caused by emotional problems.

Neck pain: causes and treatment

You have probably had severe neck pain or neck problems caused by physical exertion or daily activities.

Then we have a few tips for you to alleviate these unpleasant symptoms. 

Things to know about the neck

The back of the neck that connects the head and torso is called the nape of the neck. This area of ​​the body allows the head and upper body to move. It basically consists of the neck muscles and the cervical spine, which then merge into the spine. 

Neck pain

Pain can extend from the  neck to the shoulders and back. This impairs the sequence of movements, which often leads to poor posture and secondary symptoms.

The movement of the neck and head is restricted and causes uncomfortable pain. In acute cases, tingling, numbness, dizziness and headaches can also occur.


Tension and incorrect posture are the most common causes of neck pain. Here some examples:

  • Improper posture when reading, watching TV, or using a computer
  • Uncomfortable mattress or wrong pillow
  • Incorrect posture when picking up heavy things
  • Fast neck movement
  • Tension caused by long work in the same position
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • accident
  • obesity
  • arthrosis
  • Muscle weakness
  • Depression, stre ss , Anxiety

How can you avoid neck pain?

If you have frequent neck pain, you definitely need to improve your posture, whether you are walking or sitting. Make sure you have a straight back and relaxed shoulders. 

Do not tilt your neck and chin forward too much! Do not lean your shoulders forward, pull them back slightly without being tense.

Neck pain

Have the correct posture shown to you in a back school, for example.

You can also exercise with a book on your head so that you become more aware of how to walk with your back straight.

If the neck pain is due to emotional problems, which can also cause tension in the neck area, you should take everything with more serenity, analyze the situations and not let the problems conquer you.

If you are very nervous, we recommend calming activities such as yoga or meditation. These will calm your mind and relax your whole body.

Treat neck pain

Below we list some very helpful ways to treat neck pain:

  • Use ice to cool the painful area or warm the affected area. It is best to cool the neck for the first three days and then use warming compresses or a warming pillow. However, do not do this during the night.
  • Take a break from exercising until you feel better. However, you should do special, gentle exercises to loosen up the neck area. Stretching exercises help you relieve tension and pain.
  • Treat yourself to professional massages.
  • Do you have the right mattress? A stable, firm mattress and a special neck pillow can also alleviate the symptoms.


    Photos courtesy of Simon James, Frank Kovalchek, Michael Dorausch, Averdeen proving ground.

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