What Are Hydrogenated Fats?

A report by the expert committee of the World Health Organization (WHO) emphasizes the need to significantly limit the use of hydrogenated fats in food production or to do without them completely. 

What are hydrogenated fats?

There are many different types of fats in food. Some of them are healthy, but others are harmful. Hydrogenated fats are vegetable fats , but they behave like animal fats in our body.

They are also known as trans fats, which have a different composition, as well as a different aspect and texture. Learn more about hydrogenated fats in our article today 

What are hydrogenated fats?

Hydrogenated fats or trans fats  are produced through a chemical process and find their way into numerous foods. However, these fatty acids are harmful to health and are not recommended in very small amounts.

You should completely avoid it as much as possible. Various processes (such as hydrogenation) change vegetable oils, whereby unsaturated fatty acids are converted into saturated trans fats, which are even more harmful than natural saturated fats. 

How are trans fats made?

How are hydrogenated fats made?
Hydrogenated fats are produced by chemical processes and have various advantages for manufacturers, in particular because they are cheaper than other fats.

Trans fats or hydrogenated fats are created through a chemical process that has various advantages for manufacturers. Particularly interesting is their price, which is lower than that of other fats. But trans fats pose a threat to our health. 

The  food industry uses hydrogen for certain ingredients that contain natural, liquid fats (for example oils). This process takes place  at very high temperatures so that the fats solidify. 

In this way,  food is preserved in perfect condition for longer,  looks more appetizing and is easier to cook, as it is less likely to break during the cooking process.

What are the health effects of hydrogenated fats?

Trans fats are found in almost all industrially produced foods. But even 5 g of hydrogenated fats a day are considered harmful to health.

They are the most harmful fats there is. Therefore, you should avoid them as much as possible. Because hydrogenated fats can cause the following diseases, for example:

  • Heart disease and arteriosclerosis:  trans fats increase the LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels and at the same time reduce the healthy HDL cholesterol levels.
  • Cancer: Hydrogenated fats can cause the body to develop faulty hormones and cell membranes.
  • Brain diseases: They inhibit the action of essential fatty acids and thereby delay the growth and maturation of the brain.
  • Metabolic diseases and diabetes

In a report, a committee of experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) highlighted the need to significantly reduce the use of trans fats in the food industry or to eliminate them altogether.

As consumers, we are often unaware of the consequences that consuming large amounts of hydrogenated fats can have on our health, particularly on our cardiovascular health.

Foods and products that contain hydrogenated fats

Foods and products that contain hydrogenated fats
Hydrogenated fatty acids are found in many products that many of us consume on a regular basis.

Hydrogenated fatty acids are cheap and have the perfect consistency to make a wide range of products. In addition, their  taste is pleasant and tasty and the shelf life of the products is also extended. 

The following products contain trans fats and are therefore harmful to health:

  • Industrially manufactured baked goods
  • Cookies
  • Pre-cooked dishes
  • Snacks
  • margarine
  • confectionery
  • Fast food in general
  • Fried

How can you avoid hydrogenated fatty acids?

To avoid trans fats, you should avoid all finished products and industrially manufactured foods. It is best to eat fresh foods that do not contain hydrogenated fats or other additives. 

If you mainly do your shopping in the supermarket, you should  read the labels of the processed products carefully. Make sure that your shopping basket only contains healthy products!

Of course, you should not only pay attention to trans fats, but also to other ingredients such as sugar or starch. If the products contain vegetable fats,  you should pay attention to the type. Avoid hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated fats whenever you can.

If you’re used to buying ready-made or pre-cooked foods, it can be difficult. In this case, you should change your lifestyle and attach importance to self-prepared dishes with fresh, regional vegetables and fruits. 

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