Tips For Detoxifying And Strengthening The Immune System

Although this can help detoxify the body, it only has a short-term effect and can also have negative effects such as dehydration, bad mood or fatigue.

Tips for detoxifying and strengthening the immune system

What does detox mean?  Many people immediately think of fasting or dieting.

While this can help detoxify  the body, it only has a short-term effect and can also have negative effects such as dehydration, bad mood or fatigue.

In this post you will find various tips to get rid of pollutants and strengthen the immune system. We recommend that you refer to our food list, which can be very helpful. 

The detox process

Detoxification is a natural function of the liver. Unfortunately, this organ is often overloaded due to the presence of toxins in many areas of the environment: air, soil, water, food, household, workplace, public transport, etc.

The result is that pollutants cannot be broken down properly and the immune system suffers. This increases the risk of chronic diseases (heart disease, obesity, cancer and autoimmune diseases).

In order to avoid the accumulation of toxins in the body, a healthy diet and protection from harmful influences are very important. Eat consciously and lead a healthy lifestyle!

Healthy eating

How can I get rid of toxins and strengthen my immune system?

Fruits and cruciferous vegetables

These foods can stimulate the production of enzymes that are involved in detoxification. Broccoli, for example, contains sulphorafan, which is said to increase the formation of detoxifying enzymes that also prevent cancer and premature aging.

The following foods are also recommended:

  • Blueberry
  • raspberry
  • Apple
  • papaya
  • artichokes
  • Swiss chard
  • Beetroot
  • spinach

herbs and spices

Season your dishes with rosemary, coriander, and garlic. This is a simple way to make them more palatable while also strengthening your defenses and detoxifying your body.

Allicin (garlic), apigenin (coriander) and carnosic acid (rosemary) are substances that activate and improve the function of detoxification enzymes.


Use natural household cleaning products

Make sure the detergents do not contain Cholr. There are low-emission alternatives such as vinegar, baking soda or lemon. This way you avoid inhaling harmful chemicals.

Try not to inhale pollutants

Every household should have a carbon monoxide detector and fire alarm. A radon detector would also be highly advisable as prolonged exposure can cause lung cancer.

Also, be very careful with poor heating systems or stoves as they can release carbon monoxide.

Do not forget to wear a protective mask in the event of a fire (especially in an industrial zone or in the city) to reduce the inhalation of harmful substances.

Avoid busy streets  or protect yourself with a mask here as well. Smoking and passive smoking should of course also be avoided.

Exercise at least 3 times a week

Exercise increases the heart rhythm and improves blood circulation. As a result, important nutrients are better absorbed and useless metabolic end products and pollutants are eliminated. Exercise has been shown to cause healthy changes in DNA.

In a Swedish study, subjects had to cycle with only one leg and it was found that the exercised leg formed new patterns of DNA methylation related to energy, inflammation and insulin regulation.


Fiery spices to stimulate the elimination of toxins

Capsaicin is a substance that produces heat. Found in paprika, cayenne pepper and jalapeƱos, it stimulates blood circulation and metabolism so that toxins are broken down.

Dishes prepared with it do not taste good because they are very spicy. However, a similar effect can be achieved with garlic, ginger, or mustard.

Food for detoxification and metabolism

In addition to the foods already mentioned, we present other health-promoting alternatives that should not be missing in your diet:


The tomato contains vitamin C, which improves our immune system. It also contains lycopene, a cancer-preventing substance (especially against stomach, lung and prostate cancer) and protects our skin from the harmful effects of the sun.


Grapes clean the blood and intestines, strengthen the heart, reduce cholesterol and have a detoxifying and laxative effect. They are rich in antioxidants, which stimulate cardiovascular functions  and prevent cancer.

There are many varieties, but red grapes are best because they help prevent blood clots and are a rich source of fiber and potassium.



Celery has a detoxifying effect and, thanks to the high amount of fiber, promotes bowel activity. This type of vegetable contains vitamin C and therefore improves blood circulation. The cell walls are also strengthened with celery.


Asparagus contains folic acid, potassium, fiber, vitamin C and beta-carotene. That is why it strengthens the brain functions and the nervous system, fights and prevents cancer and protects against eye diseases.

Asparagus has a detoxifying effect and promotes the elimination of toxins through the urine.


This valuable citrus fruit cleanses and detoxifies our body. As everyone knows, it contains vitamin C and is also rich in antioxidants that strengthen our cells. The gall, liver and digestive functions are promoted and improved.


Cress contains 15 different vitamins and minerals. It has a detoxifying and blood purifying effect, prevents water retention, promotes liver functions and also improves our skin health.

Amazingly, cress contains more calcium than milk, as much vitamin C as oranges, and more iron than spinach.

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