Radiofrequencies For Facial Treatments

Radiofrequency therapy is becoming increasingly popular for beauty treatments. It’s not a completely new technique, but it has been perfected. Find out in today’s article what it is about and what effects you can achieve with it. 

Radio frequencies for facial treatments

Radio frequencies  are increasingly  used to tighten the skin, as it is one of the most modern, non-invasive methods for beauty treatments. Its advantages are praised by many, but there are also opponents. Today we explain to you how radiofrequency therapy works and what results it achieves.

Radiofrequency therapy or radio frequency therapy (RF) has recently been increasingly competing with classic cosmetic surgery. This non-invasive form of treatment is cheaper and the results can be seen in a relatively short period of time.

Often one speaks of “lifting without surgery”, but this comparison is not very precise. In contrast to cosmetic surgery, no anesthesia is required for this therapy and therefore possible side effects that can occur with every operation can be avoided. 

This technique uses high-frequency radio waves to generate heat in the various layers of the skin. The heat stimulates the production and reorganization of collagen. The collagen contracts due to the warmth and this therapy achieves an immediate tightening of the tissue. At the same time, the new production of collagen is promoted.

Radiofrequency therapy can be used almost anywhere on the body. In addition to tightening the skin of the face, there are also various techniques for the neck, buttocks and stomach. 

The results are already visible after the first application. But one session is still not enough; at least six applications are required. 

Radio frequencies and the necessary equipment

We owe the advantages of radiofrequency therapy to various devices. There are massage devices, tonifying and electrostimulating devices. All are based on the same technology.

Thoroughly cleansing the skin is important before radiofrequency treatment. There must be no make-up residues or other residues, as these could impair the thermal energy.

The expert applies a lubricant gel to the areas of skin to be treated. This gel improves the contact between the sliding probe and the skin and enables better heat conduction. The device is then moved over the skin with gentle movements.

In some cases, radiofrequency therapy is combined with  the use of hyaluronic acid to intensify the effect. But this is not the most common type of application.

There are three different systems available for this treatment:

  • Monopolar radio frequencies: These target fatty tissue in the deep layers of the skin.
  • Bipolar radio frequencies:  These act on the superficial layers of the skin.
  • Tripolar radio frequencies:  This is a combination of monopolar and bipolar frequencies that  stimulate collagen and elastin production and at the same time destroy adipose tissue. It is the most efficient method.
Treatment with radio frequencies
In addition to the radio frequency device, a lubricant is required.

Side effects and contraintications

The undesirable side effects are related to the heat transferred to the skin. The technique is not painful, but it can cause swelling and reddening of the skin. In extreme cases, bruises can develop during treatment, which then disappear again. But this happens very rarely.

In some countries, impairment of the nerve conductivity of the facial nerve and trigeminal nerve was reported after the sessions . This led to the development of a stricter application protocol and also more precise determination of who should not undergo this treatment.

The contraintications have been established internationally. Radiofrequency therapy should be avoided in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding:  The adipocytes (fat cells) that are eliminated with the radio frequencies enter the lymphatic system and could reach the baby in the womb or through breast milk.
  • Cancer Patients:  It is generally recommended that cancer patients wait up to five years after recovery before using radio frequencies.
  • Patients with a pacemaker: The heat emitted by the radio frequency device can impair the functionality of the pacemaker.
  • Patients with severe heart disease: The heat can cause blood vessels to dilate and the eliminated fat also circulates in the blood vessels. Both situations are counterproductive in heart patients. If these patients still want to undergo a radiofrequency face lift, the cardiologist must assess the risks and benefits.
Radio frequencies for firm skin
The application of radio frequencies stimulates collagen production and the restructuring of collagen fibers.

Benefits of radiofrequency therapy

More and more scientific studies are supposed to confirm the benefits of radiofrequency therapy. So far it has been shown that the most important effect is the regeneration of collagen. With new collagen, the skin regains its firmness and wrinkles are weakened.

The heat stimulation also improves the blood circulation in the treated areas  and also stimulates the lymphatic circulation. This enables residues to be excreted better.

The following medical and mathematical results emerge from studies:

  • The eyebrows increase by up to 1 mm after three months of treatment.
  • The nasolabial fold and wrinkles improve in half of the treated people.
  • In 60% of people treated with radio frequencies,  the cheek area improves. 

The satisfaction of the treated persons seems to be good. In general  , they report seeing improvements after radiofrequency therapy. 

But it is always important  to consult a doctor before starting to  make sure that this therapy is actually suitable in the individual case. In addition,  radiofrequency treatment should always be carried out by experienced and trustworthy experts.

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