Aubergine Water For Weight Loss

Aubergine water helps to drain fluid deposits and has a filling effect. That is why it is ideal to support weight loss diets.

Eggplant water for weight loss

Who doesn’t mind those excess pounds on their stomach? Not only are they unsightly, but they can also pose a health problem. Have you tried eggplant water for weight loss?

In order to get rid of these love handles, sacrifices have to be made and lifestyle changes have to be made. A little more exercise and a healthy diet are essential to achieve this goal. Eggplant water can help you with this. 

Eggplant water is a simple home remedy for reducing weight. The high levels of water, fiber, vitamins, antioxidants and minerals make this drink a useful means of breaking down fat.

Our body also receives important health-promoting substances. Knowing how, eggplant water can be an indispensable tool to gradually lose those pesky pounds.

Why eggplant water of all places?

Eggplant water
  • Eggplant is high in nutrients and very low in calories. It works as a natural diuretic, prevents fluid retention and is also filling.
  • One thing should be clear: if you want to lose weight, be it on the stomach or in general, the first thing you should do is change various lifestyle habits. This means that eggplant water will only help if the diet is balanced and you exercise for at least 30 minutes a day.
  • Eggplant water has purifying and detoxifying properties.  It is free from all fats and has hardly any calories. In addition, it is rich in nutrients and can therefore complement our diet in a positive way.

    Other health-promoting properties of eggplant

    • Eggplant lowers cholesterol. How? The substances it contains absorb the fats contained in other foods.
    • It has a detoxifying effect and regulates the bowel movement so that it combats constipation.
    • Eggplants contain vitamin E and anthocyanin and therefore have a strong antioxidant effect They also protect against certain types of cancer and heart disease.
    • Eggplants contain high levels of potassium and sodium, which are important for our nerves and the cardiovascular system.
    • The fiber contained in the aubergine helps to cleanse the organism and regulate blood sugar levels, so this type of vegetable is also useful for diabetes.
    • The folic acid it contains is particularly important for our bones.
    • This type of vegetable is very useful for liver problems as it promotes the biliary functions.
    • Finally, it should be mentioned that eggplants are rich in magnesium and iron  and thus work against anemia and strengthen the immune system.

    How can you lose weight with eggplant water?

    Eggplant water


    • Take the eggplant water over a week  . This diet should be carried out once a month, as it not only helps in weight loss, but also has a detoxifying effect.
    • During this week, your diet should mainly consist of salads and juices. Cut out processed fats or refined flour products.
    • You should drink half a liter of eggplant water a day. One glass before lunch and one before dinner.
    • Typically, you will lose around two pounds this week . However, this can vary from person to person, it depends on the metabolism, so this can vary.
    • In addition to eggplant water, you can also have other dishes with eggplant: oven-baked, grilled or boiled. As you prefer, but never raw as it is so toxic. Eggplant contains an alkaloid, solanine, which can cause vomiting or diarrhea.


    • It’s very easy. Peel , wash, and dice a medium-sized eggplant.
    • Put 1/2 liter of water in a dark container, then add the eggplant cubes. Let the water steep all night so that it absorbs the nutrients from the eggplant.
    • You can drink the water cool and with a little lemon juice. The juice then gives the water a little freshness and you add an extra dose of antioxidants. Don’t forget to drink the water before lunch and then before dinner. And then do this diet once a month for a week. Then slowly you will notice the results.

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