Interesting Facts About The Pancreas And Its Care

Interesting facts about the pancreas and its care

In this post you will learn interesting facts about the tasks and care of the pancreas. With various foods and supplements you can keep this glandular organ, which is technically called the pancreas, healthy.

What is the pancreas used for?

The pancreas is a glandular organ lying across the upper abdomen. Located behind the stomach, in front of the spine, it performs the following basic functions:

  • Releases digestive enzymes that are released into the duodenum. These are necessary for proper digestion, especially of fats and proteins.
  • The pancreas produces hormones that are released into the blood: insulin, which regulates the energy balance, glucagon and somatostatin. These three hormones work together and are also important for regulating blood sugar levels.

    Is the pancreas healthy?

    Diseases related to the pancreas include pancreatitis, diabetes, cystic fibrosis, and pancreatic cancer.

    However, before these diseases occur, pancreatic disorders can already occur. Particular attention should be paid to the following symptoms:

    • The pancreas is reflected in the lips, appetite and sense of taste. So if these show changes, this should also be taken into account. What is striking, for example, is the desire for fast-filling desserts and a feeling of hunger shortly afterwards.
    • Also  indigestion and chronic constipation  should be berüchsichtigt. Although these can be connected to other organs, they are among the symptoms of a pancreatic disorder.
    • If you are thin but have a bloated stomach for no reason, this could also be an indicator of pancreatic disease.

      Recommended foods

      The best precaution against pancreatic diseases – especially with family history – is the daily consumption of foods that help regulate the blood sugar level in a natural way and support the pancreatic functions.

      • Peas:  This delicious vegetable is highly recommended because it acts like plant-based isulin. Peas shouldn’t be missing in your diet!
      • Brewer’s yeast:  This dietary supplement should not be missing either. It supports the pancreas, regulates the nervous system and promotes the health of hair, skin and nails.
      • Stevia: This natural, calorie-free sweetener can be used to sweeten food in a healthy way. In order to regulate the sugar level, however, you have to take stevia pure and unrefined.
      • Cinnamon:  This delicious spice is often used in combination with stevia to treat diabetes. It’s a good idea to include cinnamon in your daily diet. You can also use it to season fruit, yoghurt, desserts or meat and vegetable stews. It is important to use Ceylon cinnamon.

      Emotional aspects

      In any natural treatment, one should not forget emotional aspects that can affect health. The pancreas is associated with the following emotions:

      People with pancreatic disorders tend  to be obsessive and have repetitive ideas. 

      Sometimes you are not aware of certain routines or manias yourself, but your loved ones are better able to judge them. This blocks the pancreatic energy.

      In addition to the foods mentioned, contact with nature is therefore recommended  , especially with the earth element. This is a great way to get rid of repetitive ideas. Enjoy nature, go for a barefoot walk, you can get wet and dirty while doing so.

      In the beginning you may find this uncomfortable, but over time you will feel the need yourself and find joy and calm in it. The pancreas will also benefit from this original and pleasant therapy.


      Images provided by beautifulcataya, ion-bogdan dumitrescu and marketing deluxe.

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