Constipation? Causes And Prevention

Physical exercise is crucial to get the bowel moving. Sedentary life, on the other hand, promotes constipation.

Constipation?  Causes and Prevention

Constipation is one of the most common ailments in our society. Many consider the resulting complaints to be insignificant. But some experts believe that a malfunctioning intestine can be the cause of many chronic or degenerative diseases.

Constipation should be treated differently depending on the cause. Read on to learn about different ways to avoid it.

Poor diet

It is extremely important to avoid refined flours and excess animal proteins. Make sure you eat a balanced diet:

  • Fresh seasonal fruit or freshly squeezed fruit juices
  • Vegetables, purees and salads
  • Whole grain cereals
  • legumes
  • Nuts, dried fruits and seeds

There are also many products that have a laxative effect without burdening the intestines:

  • Flaxseed (soaked overnight)
  • Prunes
  • Dates
  • Hazelnuts
  • Fresh, ripe figs
  • kiwi
  • Acacia honey
  • Kudzu
  • Chestnuts
  • Agar Agar
  • Apples (cooked, with skin)

Agar for constipation

It is just as important to drink at least 6 glasses of water a day between meals. Constipation can mean lack of water. We can help our bodies eliminate the fiber by drinking enough fluids.


When we move our body, our intestines also start moving. For this reason , it is essential to have a physical activity for at least half an hour a day, even if it is just a walk.

Pressure and stress

Stress has a negative effect on our health and easily unbalances our organism, and digestion can also be affected. Our digestive tract suffers from the pressure to which we are often exposed. In this case, you can take the following measures:

  • Drink lemon balm, passiflora or valerian tea.
  • Do breathing exercises while taking deep breaths.
  • Massage your stomach.
  • Yoga or Thai-Chi also help with stress.

The liver is not doing its job properly

The liver and gall bladder have a direct connection with the intestinal tract. Signs that these are not working properly include poor digestion or bloating, impaired vision, hair problems, yellowing of the skin or pain under the ribs on the right side. In this case, you can take the following measures:

  • Drink Boldo bush, milk thistle or dandelion tea.
  • Eat lightly and early in the evening.
  • Place a heat pad on your ribs on the right side to sleep.
  • In the morning before breakfast, take the juice of half a lemon with a tablespoon of olive oil.
  • Eat umeboshi (Japanese variety of plum; available in Japanese grocery stores or health food stores) daily.

Umeboshi for constipation

Abuse of laxatives

Individuals who have long been constipated and who use irritating laxatives, be they chemical or natural, should know that doing so has long-term consequences for normal bowel function and can result in diarrhea, ulcers, calcium deficiency, etc.

Therefore, if possible, avoid all laxatives and only use them in extreme cases. It will take three to four days for your bowels to return to normal. These days you can do enemas until the bowel is functioning naturally again, so gentler remedies can be used.

Psychogenic causes

Many people are unable to defecate when away from home. This problem is more important than we think because it shouldn’t be controlled by our brains. The intestine gives the signal and if we ignore it, it will gradually lose its function. If you cannot solve this problem on your own, you should consult a therapist or psychologist.

Extreme, isolated cases

If there is acute constipation, for example in the elderly or in the event that other aids are of no use, you can take the homeopathic remedy Opium 15CH instead of using chemical laxatives. See a homeopath and he will prescribe the correct dose for you. Once you feel an improvement, you can follow the advice given above.

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