Aphthae: What Helps Against The Small Blisters?

It is a very common small wound in the mouth. The causes are not always clear. The small canker sores are painful and annoying, especially when eating, but it is usually a very short-term problem.

Aphthae: what helps against the small blisters?

Even if they are tiny, canker sores can be very uncomfortable and annoying. Although they usually heal on their own in a few days, various natural remedies can promote wound healing. Then find out what helps against the  small blisters .

How do aphthae develop in the mouth?

It is a very common small wound in the mouth. The causes are not always clear. The small canker sores are painful and annoying, especially when eating,  but they are usually a very short-term problem.

Simple aphthae appear from time to time and disappear by themselves after a few days.  However, chronic, recurrent aphthae are less common. If the injuries last longer than 3 weeks, you should definitely get a medical examination!

Treatment of aphthous ulcers

The causes of mouth ulcers are varied: You may be under stress, have eaten sour citrus fruits or injured yourself with the cutlery or your own teeth. Braces or artificial teeth can also be the trigger.

A weakened immune system or nutritional problems and digestive diseases can lead to this.

In any case, it is important to correctly differentiate aphthae and herpes. The appearance is often very similar. But herpes is a viral disease and is contagious!

The small blisters make themselves felt as a burning pain and sometimes a tingling sensation. Most of the injuries are reddish at the edge and white in the middle.

It could also lead to a fever or swollen lymph nodes. You will then find out how you can treat the small blisters naturally.

Treatment of aphthous ulcers

Aphthae: what helps against the small blisters?

  • Salt is one of the cheapest and most effective antiseptic agents. Mix a teaspoon of salt with a glass of lukewarm water and use it to rinse your mouth. Repeat this several times a day.
  • Baking soda works in a similar way to salt. It is an effective antiseptic. Make a mouthwash out of baking soda and water. However, do not swallow the mixture! You can also use these two ingredients to make a viscous paste, which you then apply directly to the injury. Then rinse with cold water.

    Treatment of aphthous ulcers
    • You can also simply apply hydrogen peroxide  to the aphtha with a piece of cotton or a cotton swab. Repeat this treatment three times a day.
    • Cold reduces pain. You can therefore place an ice cube on the wound to have a calming effect.

    Aphthous ulcers in the mouth: what helps against the small blisters?
    • Yogurt contains lactic acid bacteria that regulate the pH level in the mouth. Eat a cup of yogurt every day. You can also apply it directly to the wound if you wish.
    • Magnesium milk works in a similar way to yogurt. Use them three times a day to balance the pH level in your mouth and thus fight the causative bacteria.

    Prevention against aphthous ulcers in the mouth

    A lack of minerals and vitamins can weaken the immune system and, among other things, lead to small blisters in the mouth.

    Iron deficiency, folic acid deficiency or diseases such as celiac disease and Crohn’s disease often play a role.

    Eat a balanced and healthy diet. Green leafy vegetables, whole grain products and fresh fruit should not be missing.

    Be careful when brushing your teeth, as injuries could occur here too. Hard foods (like cookies, hard bread, etc.) could also be responsible.

    Avoid acidic and very spicy foods and be careful with chewing gum! Don’t forget to floss after you eat for optimal oral hygiene. 

    Images courtesy of Toshiyuki IMAI, the italian voice, Joshua Yoon Her Nandez, Emilian Robert Vicol, gaelx.

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