Why Lemon Water Is Healthy

A simple formula for more health: water + lemon.

Why lemon water is healthy

One reads again and again that lemon  water is healthy. But why actually? What’s so healthy about drinking lemon with water, and how should you make it? We’ll explain everything you should know about the delicious drink.

Why lemon water is healthy

Various ready-made drinks are available in stores that combine water and lemon with one another. In most cases, however, these are artificial flavors and additives that cannot do anything for your health.

On the contrary: if such drinks are sugared, they will harm you! A “real” lemon water has only two ingredients: water and lemon. Nothing else to keep  lemon water healthy. 

And it is always freshly prepared so that all vitamins are always included and are not lost through storage. We’ll explain to you why these simple two ingredients are so good for your health and finally give you tips on how to properly prepare the lemon water.

Sea water


The human body of an adult consists of 65% water, the brain even more than 80%! In order to maintain all body functions, our body always needs enough fluid. Preferably in the form of pure water.

A fluid deficit in the body is usually the simplest cause of many physical complaints such as headaches, digestive problems, circulatory problems, concentration disorders, fatigue, reduced performance and more.

The rule of thumb for what water you need to consume every day is very simple: it should be around 40ml of water per kilo of body weight. So if you weigh 60kg, your personal amount of water you drink is 2.4 liters per day.

At 70kg that would be 2.8 liters, at 80kg 3.2 liters and so on. These values ​​increase if you do sports, sweat, travel in dry mountain air, with dry heating air or if you take dehydrating medication.

water bottles

Mineral water

There are different qualities of water. On the one hand, tap water and, on the other hand, commercially available bottled water. This is also available in different qualities.

Table water : This is the lowest quality level.

Before you spend money on bottled water, it is better to use tap water, as it can even be more mineral-rich. Bottled water is, roughly speaking, bottled tap water that does not contain enough minerals to be called mineral water.

Mineral water : arises from a natural source and must meet minimum requirements for mineral content. These are regulated by law.

Depending on the surrounding rock from which the spring rises, the mineral content of the water varies enormously.

A comparison of the labels of different mineral waters reveals the sometimes big differences! Mineral waters help you to meet your mineral needs in everyday life.

Medicinal water : This also comes from a spring and, due to its composition, has an officially confirmed health benefit. Depending on the ingredients , it can have different healing effects. Here, too, it is worth comparing the labels!



Lemons also support your immune system with their high vitamin C content and thus prevent colds, for example. Lemon juice can also help you lose fat and lose weight.

Lemon not only contains citric acid, but also natural bitter substances. These act as natural appetite suppressants and also act against bacteria, cancer and inflammation and lower cholesterol.

If bitter substances are supposed to suppress the appetite, they shouldn’t be “hidden” under sweeteners! There are particularly many bitter substances in the peel of the lemon – especially in the white areas.


Which lemons to buy?

Basically, if you use the whole lemon for lemon water, it must be organically grown, it should be healthy and not toxic!

In conventional cultivation and trade, the peel of citrus fruits is treated not only with pesticides, but also with fungicides so that the fruits do not start to mold on their way from the bush to the store (and during the sometimes long storage).

To give the fruits an attractive shine, everything is sealed with a layer of wax. And you’d drink all of that. Good Appetite! Therefore , please use organically grown lemons so that the lemon water is healthy.

Properties lemon

Lemon water recipe

If you want to use not only the vitamins and minerals, but also the valuable bitter substances of the lemon peel for yourself and your health, you should process the whole lemon into lemon water. You need:

  • 2 organic lemons
  • 500ml water

After careful washing, chop organic lemons (or limes) completely with their peel and put them in a blender with the water.

Mix until a somewhat cloudy liquid is formed: the “original lemonade”. This lemon water then also contains all the bitter substances and is an ideal drink to accompany a diet !

If you have citric acid problems, baking soda can help neutralize it. In this way you can enjoy all the positive properties of lemon, but you do without the acidity of the fruit.

To do this, just add a teaspoon of baking soda to the drink. Watch out, it foams! Soda is available in stores under the names “Kaiser Natron”, “Bullrich Salt” or “Food Atron”. It neutralizes acid (in this case: citric acid) and releases gas in the process: your soda bubbles!

The ability of baking soda to bind acid means that you don’t need sugar for this refreshing soda and the bitter substances are not masked!

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