Prevention Against Obesity: Recommended Foods

In the prevention of obesity, a balanced diet and sufficient exercise are essential. Both measures should be monitored by experts in order to achieve the best results. It should not be forgotten that very strict diets are never healthy!

Obesity prevention: recommended foods

In the  prevention of obesity  and also in the treatment, numerous factors must be taken into account that play a role in this disease.

More and more people worldwide are suffering from obesity, which has been shown by various studies that assume an average increase in BMI (body mass index) of 0.4 kg / m2.

Therefore, health professionals must take responsibility completely independently of institutional measures. Measures to prevent obesity are necessary in order to prevent secondary diseases and to help those who already suffer from obesity.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the most common causes of obesity are:

  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • High fat diet

Both factors are largely the result of  changed lifestyles and behavior patterns in society. 

Various aspects of obesity prevention

Various aspects of obesity prevention 
Therapeutic treatment and nutritional aspects are fundamental to helping affected people. Without this, practically any treatment is doomed to failure.

Therapeutic treatment and a specific diet are essential in the prevention and treatment of obesity. In addition, sufficient exercise is of the utmost importance as part of the switch to healthy lifestyle habits. By combining measures, it is possible to maintain or achieve a healthy weight.

In recent years, various drugs have also been shown to be effective  in achieving weight loss. These include, for example, orlistat, sibutramine and rimonabant. These drugs have shown their effectiveness in clinical trials in patients on a hypocaloric diet.

It should be mentioned that most of these drugs have an anorectic effect (appetite-suppressing effect). This makes it easier for those affected to lose excess pounds.

In addition, there is also the possibility  of surgical intervention, but it is not always successful. Because patients can adjust their eating habits, which prevents them from actually achieving their goal. This renders the whole operation ineffective.

However, it must be remembered that conventional dietary treatment, even if performed correctly, does not always bring the desired results. In most cases, this is due to the fact that those affected sooner or later stop the diet recommended by a doctor and revert to old habits.

In addition, those morbidly overweight people who actually strictly adhere to the recommended diet often do not lose enough weight, or sometimes gain weight again. The main problem with most of them, however, is that they do not strictly adhere to the diet or stop it altogether. 

Preventing obesity through proper nutrition

Preventing obesity through proper nutrition 
Certain foods are very helpful in preventing obesity in addition to other measures.

In order to prevent obesity from the outset, a balanced diet and sporting activities are essential. Both measures should be monitored by an expert.

However, it must also be taken into account that  very strict diets are never healthy. They lead to the loss of muscle mass and promote eating disorders. For this reason, it is important to create a normal caloric nutrition plan that is always specifically adapted to the person concerned.

The dietary recommendations are the same as those that apply to people of normal weight. In particular, the consumption of saturated fats is reduced. In addition, we will then name various foods that  can be helpful in preventing obesity: 

Highly filling foods

In order to prevent pathological obesity, it is important to eat filling foods. In general, these are foods that are high in fiber. 

Because fiber binds water and thereby increases its volume in the stomach,  which creates a feeling of fullness. This eliminates the need for the body to eat more. In this way, for example, food cravings can be prevented.

Some foods high in fiber are:

  • vegetables
  • fruit
  • Seaweed

Low calorie foods in obesity prevention

Low calorie foods in obesity prevention
A definitive change in diet is fundamental in the prevention of pathological obesity.

Hypocaloric foods  provide little energy, but the point is that the body takes in fewer calories  to burn fat that has already been stored.

Low-calorie foods can help you lose weight or maintain a healthy weight as part of a balanced, healthy diet  .

These include, for example, the following foods:

  • asparagus
  • spinach
  • cucumber
  • artichokes


In order to prevent pathological obesity  , an appropriate nutrition plan, which should be drawn up individually by a nutritionist, is essential. Of course, you will only achieve your goal if you are constant and also regularly practice sporting activities.

The most important aspects in the prevention and treatment of obesity include constancy and motivation. Don’t give up, you can do it!

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