Homemade Carrot Soap For Skin Care

Carrots contain beta-carotene, which nourishes the skin and makes for a beautiful complexion. However, you shouldn’t go overboard with this either, so that your skin doesn’t turn orange.

Homemade carrot soap for skin care

Skin-friendly soap should not be missing in the daily body cleaning and care. Here you can find out the benefits of carrot soap .

Soap can be bought everywhere, in a wide variety of sizes, shapes and with different scents. However, many contain chemicals that can damage the skin’s pH and remove natural skin oils.

This can lead to various skin complaints, especially with sensitive skin.

An excellent alternative that you can use to avoid this risk is homemade carrot soap with healthy and nourishing ingredients. 

Benefits of homemade carrot soap

By combining carrots with honey and other natural substances, you get a moisturizing soap with an anti-aging effect,  which is highly recommended for dry skin, but also for acne.

The antioxidant effect helps  to repair cell damage and prevent free radicals that accelerate cell aging.


Carrot – the main ingredient

The active ingredient in this soap is carrot, which is known for its numerous skin benefits.

Because of the beta-carotene and antioxidants it contains, carrots are widely used in cosmetic products.  They protect the skin and prevent cell damage from UV rays and environmental pollution.

Beta-carotene also ensures a beautiful complexion,  so you can easily tan the skin without sun exposure. Don’t overdo it, however, so that the lightest areas of your skin don’t turn an orange color.

Carrots contain a lot of water and vitamins and therefore also help to regulate the natural pH of the skin.  They are also recommended for acne to remove excess sebum.

The vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in the carrot accelerate healing processes and reduce scars.

How is the carrot soap made?


The production of this soap is very simple, the ingredients are easily available and inexpensive.

The color of the soap can vary depending on the quality of the ingredients.


  • 300 ml coconut oil
  • 400 ml of olive oil
  • 100 ml of almond oil
  • 200 ml carrot cooking water
  • 100 g of carrot puree
  • 110 g caustic soda
  • 1/2 tablespoon of honey
  • 10 drops of carrot seed essential oil


Before you start making soap, you should take the necessary safety precautions, because the lye becomes very hot when mixed and is very corrosive.  

All utensils must then be prepared: gloves, protective goggles (a splash of lye in the eye can have unpleasant consequences), plastic apron (to protect skin and clothing), saucepan, wooden spoon, plastic bowl, soap dish, towel and tea towel.

It is best to make the soap near a sink and also have vinegar ready, which can be used to neutralize the lye in an emergency.

The room should be well ventilated as vapors are generated when the lye is mixed. For safety reasons, children and pets are not allowed to be present when the soap is made.

  • Step 1:  Boil 100 g of carrots in water. As soon as they are soft, save the coals and process the carrots into puree. You can just crush them with a fork.
  • Step 2:  Then mix the carrot puree with 200 ml carrot boiling water in a plastic bowl.
  • Step 3: with great caution add the soapy water. Then stir slowly with a wooden spoon. Be careful: this mixture gets very hot. Then let the mixture rest for a few minutes.
  • Step 4:  Then add the  coconut oil, the olive oil, the honey and the essential carrot seed oil.

Further steps

  • Step 5:  Mix everything thoroughly with the wooden spoon until  the consistency of the mixture changes (similar to mayonnaise). We recommend using the hand blender, this is much faster, but be careful not to splash, as soapy water – as already mentioned – is corrosive!
  • Step 6:  Then put the mixture in a soap mold (silicone or plastic). Then  let it rest for at least two days.
  • Step 7:  Then you can take the soap out of the mold and cut it into manageable pieces as desired (depending on the shape).
  • Step 8:  The soap must then be stored in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight for 3 to 6 weeks before use.

This skin care soap is easy to make and contains no harmful chemicals.

You can use them for daily facial cleansing  as well as for the body.

Keep them in a  dry place. 

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