Ginger And Honey Against Cancer?

Supporters of naturopathy claim that ginger is very healthy and science is also researching this root.

Ginger and honey against cancer?

According to naturopathy, ginger and honey have numerous health-promoting properties and are therefore very popular.

The root gives different foods a special taste and can also be used as a remedy. Scientists still disagree about exactly how effective it is in humans, however. You can learn more about it in this post.

Does ginger help against cancer?

A Georgia State University research study found that ginger can reduce the size of a prostate tumor in mice  .

This study looked at the anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties of ginger. Ginger contains valuable antioxidants that can improve various aspects of health.

But why should ginger help against cancer?

Fresh and powdered ginger

Although doctors often consider drugs to be the only way to treat cancer, in some cases they can make  patients’ conditions worse as the tumors grow faster.

Although drugs are very effective in many cases, the side effects can sometimes lead to patient death.

Of course, that doesn’t mean that medical treatment for cancer should be interrupted. Only a specialist doctor can decide what treatment is needed to fight the disease.

However, we will then present a remedy that – after consultation with the doctor – can also possibly be used effectively against cancer. Ginger is inexpensive, easy to process and, when taken regularly, has achieved very good results, at least in mice.

It does not cause any side effects and  may have the ability to inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells. Some even go so far as to claim that this Asian root is said to help with up to 101 diseases.

Ginger and honey to help fight cancer

Honey runs down the wooden spoon

This honey and ginger recipe is very popular:


  • 2 large roots of ginger
  • 450 g organic honey


  • First clean the ginger roots well and mix with the organic honey. This mixture should be kept in a glass so that you can take 2 – 3 tablespoons of it every day.
  • It is very important that you use a wooden or plastic spoon when doing this.

    Garlic and ginger paste against cancer?

    peeled garlic

    This recipe combines the potentially anti-cancer properties of ginger and garlic.

    Home remedy supporters claim that this garlic and ginger paste has many health benefits.


    • 120 g of garlic
    • 120 g ginger
    • 1 tbsp olive oil (15 ml)


    • First mix 120 g of garlic in a bowl with 120 g of chopped ginger and a tablespoon of olive oil. Then all ingredients are pureed in a mixer until a homogeneous paste is formed.
    • The paste can be consumed either as an accompaniment to meals or on its own (1 – 2 tablespoons per day).

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