8 Unknown Positive Properties Of Carrot Juice

Did you know that carrots are ideal for maintaining oral health? And that they are perfect for relieving constipation or stomach discomfort? A glass of juice from these vegetables is an inexhaustible source of health benefits

8 unknown beneficial properties of carrot juice

Everyone knows that these orange-colored vegetables are good for the skin and eyes. But those aren’t the only benefits. Find out what beneficial properties carrot juice has.

When you consume carrot juice , you can benefit from all of the properties of these raw vegetables (even more than when cooked). In this article, we’ll look at some of the lesser-known benefits of these rich vegetables.

Carrot juice – the orange gold

It is one of the most widely consumed vegetables in the world, not only because of its great taste and versatility, but also because of its many properties.

Studies have found that it contains practically 500 phytochemicals, more than almost any other food in the world. Of these, three are particularly noteworthy.

Beta carotene

The orange color is due to this substance and it contains soluble components that are very nutritious.

For example, it enables the liver to convert it into vitamin A, which is a powerful antioxidant when it attaches to harmful molecules and also renders them harmless.

Vitamin A

Carrot juice

In addition to the vitamin contained in beta-carotene, carrots also contain so much vitamin A. A glass of carrot juice accounts for almost 700 percent of the basic needs of an adult.

It is responsible for protecting eyesight and preventing degenerative diseases (such as cancer).

As if that weren’t enough, vitamin A also promotes bone (and that of the teeth) growth, reduces the risk of heart disease, maintains cell function and helps the body fight off infections and also balances blood pressure.

Alpha carotene

An antioxidant full of flavonoids (one cup of carrot juice contains 5.9 mg of alpah carotene).

It is believed that this nutrient can help extend life expectancy and prevent lung cancer.

It is fat-soluble and in order to benefit from its properties it is advisable to cook carrots in the oven or in the pan.

Carrot juice

There are also other elements of great importance in carrots that turn them into a veritable super vegetable that is highly recommended for children as well as adults (especially pregnant women) and the elderly.

One cup of carrot juice contains:

  • Vitamin K
  • vitamin C
  • fiber
  • potassium
  • Vitamin B6
  • manganese
  • Molybdenum
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine)
  • Vitamin B3 (niacin)
  • phosphorus
  • magnesium
  • Folate

What are the benefits of carrot juice?

In addition to its nutrient-rich properties, it is also worth pointing out some of the benefits of consuming delicious carrot juice several times a week (and preferably on an empty stomach).

Improving oral health

If you eat a whole carrot raw, it will help keep your teeth clean. If you eat it prepared, it also has certain properties.

For example , it strengthens the teeth and gums, improves blood circulation and also prevents bacteria from adhering to the teeth.

Since they contain corridor, these vegetables prevent the occurrence of tooth decay and keep the plaque in good condition.


Carrot juice

It has been found that people who have just had an operation or have digestive problems have more appetite after consuming carrot juice.

It works well for babies when they are teething and for the elderly who need to eat porridge or soup.

Are good for constipation

This is because carrots contain a sizeable amount of fiber, which increases the quality and quantity of excretions while regulating digestive activity.

In addition , this juice reduces stomach pain in an upset stomach, soothes stomach discomfort and heartburn. It is recommended for gastritis patients.

He is diuretic

These orange-colored vegetables are high in water, which makes them good news for those struggling with low urination, edema, or kidney problems.

A cup of carrot juice on an empty stomach can dissolve kidney stones and make them easier to pass.

Calms the nerves

Carrot juice

If you’re about to take an exam, meet for the first time, or go to a work meeting, a little carrot juice is exactly what you need.

The same is true if you have a lot of stress or feel very tired and drained.

Phosphorus and potassium are the main responsible for these energizing and invigorating effects.

A beauty helper

There is nothing better than carrots to strengthen your nails and keep your hair shiny.

The provitamin A they contain helps the body repair cells damaged by contamination or contact with chemical substances.

It also regulates the production of talc on the scalp.

Improves breast milk

Vitamin A and beta-carotene are two nutrients that should not be missing in the diet of pregnant women and nursing mothers.

According to doctors , both improve the biological quality of milk and enable it to be produced in larger quantities, according to the child’s needs.

It is good for eyesight

Carrot juice

The beta-carotenes have the ability to prevent premature aging.

Unlike what is often believed, they do not obviate the need for glasses or add eagle eyes, but they protect the cornea of ​​the eyes and also prevent cataracts from occurring in old age.

Carrot juice is recommended for patients suffering from loss of visual acuity or night blindness.

To make this delicious and healthy carrot juice, you need 6 pieces of it and a glass of water.

Peel the carrots and then cut them into small pieces. Then mix them with the water and blend them until they have a creamy consistency. Good Appetite!

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