4 Natural Peelings For The Face

If you have sensitive skin, you should not use any aggressive products. Also, after exfoliating, always make sure to keep your skin hydrated.

4 natural scrubs for the face

You can remove dead skin cells and impurities with these natural  facial  scrubs. This allows your skin to be better supplied with oxygen and moisture. She will shine wonderfully again!

Then you will find out how you can make these  scrubs for the face  and what effects they have. You can care for and deeply cleanse your skin at home.

With the right care, you can also delay the signs of aging! 

The peelings contain acids and antioxidants that not only have a cleansing effect, but also regulate the pH value of the skin. They are natural, inexpensive and very easy to make! 

The best scrubs for the face

1. Peeling with milk, marigold and rose petals

Rose petals in scrubs for the face.

The combination of gentle ingredients results in a  perfect peeling for sensitive skin. You can use it to tighten your skin and prevent wrinkles.

It contains lactic acid, antioxidants and antibacterial agents that help rid your skin of impurities and thereby prevent acne.


  • 1 glass of whole milk (250 ml)
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons of dried marigold (15 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of rose petals


  • Put all the ingredients in a container and store them in the refrigerator for a day.


  • Thoroughly cleanse the skin of your face to remove makeup and other impurities.
  • Then you can apply the scrub. If desired, also on the neck and décolleté.
  • Rinse off with water after 20 minutes of action.
  • Use this treatment two to three times a week.

2. Peeling with almond flour, oats and honey

The next peeling recipe provides moisture and removes dead skin at the same time. In addition, this mixture regulates the pH of your facial skin.

With regular use, you can prevent pigment spots and blackheads and blemishes. 


  • 1 1/2 tablespoons almond flour (15 g)
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons of ground oatmeal (15 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (50 g)


  • Mix all of the ingredients together until it becomes a thick paste.


  • Apply the mixture to the skin using gentle circular motions.
  • Leave it on for 15 minutes and then rinse it off.
  • Apply this scrub twice a week.

3. Exfoliation with yogurt, rose petals and jojoba oil

Yogurt in scrubs for the face.

This scrub is rich in nutrients and moisturizes the skin. It’s perfect for very dry skin and gently removes dead skin cells. 

But that’s not all: this peeling also stimulates cell regeneration and prevents premature skin aging.


  • 3 tablespoons of natural yogurt (60 g)
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons rose petals (15 g)
  • 1 tablespoon jojoba oil (15 g)


  • Mix all ingredients well and put in the refrigerator for 2 hours.


  • Gently apply a small amount of this scrub to the skin in a circular motion.
  • Let it work for 20 to 30 minutes and then rinse off.
  • Use this scrub at least once a week.

4. Peeling with aloe vera, coconut oil and sea salt

Aloe Vera in scrubs for the face.

There are many facial exfoliators, but this one is particularly effective. Aloe vera provides moisture and nourishes the skin with important nutrients. 

The salt removes dead skin cells and impurities at the same time. If you use this scrub regularly, you can also achieve a more uniform complexion. 


  • Aloe gel (15 g)
  • Organic coconut oil (15 g)
  • Sea salt (10 g)


  • Mix all of the ingredients together until you have a uniform paste.


  • Apply the scrub to your face and let it work for 20 to 30 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with cold water and repeat the application 2 times a week.

Are you ready to pamper your skin with these natural facial scrubs? You can use it to care for your skin and make it glow.

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