Can You Lower Blood Pressure With Tomatoes?

Although tomatoes can help regulate blood pressure, other measures are of course also fundamental. Under no circumstances should you forego the medicines prescribed by your doctor!

Can you lower blood pressure with tomatoes?

Tomatoes not only taste delicious, they are also healthy and versatile. Among other things, they have an antioxidant and detoxifying effect. But they are also said to be useful in preventing various types of cancer. However, our current article is about how to  use tomatoes  to lower blood pressure.

The bright red vegetables contain important  vitamins: The vitamin C they contain promotes the absorption of iron and strengthens the immune system. Vitamin A is important for healthy skin, eyesight and healthy airways.

Read on if you want to find out more about the excellent properties of tomatoes and their antihypertensive effects.

Lower blood pressure with tomatoes

Tomatoes protect the heart and the blood vessels ß e. The versatile vegetable also has a positive effect on blood pressure. Among other things, it contains potassium, which regulates the fluid balance.

Au Tomatoes also inhibit the accumulation of cholesterol on the arterial walls. This is very important in the prevention of high blood pressure and hardening of the arteries. 

With high blood pressure, the heart is overloaded. Because  it has to make greater efforts to efficiently transport the nutrients to the organs  when the arteries are constricted.

Not only does the heart suffer from this, but also other important organs. As a result, arteriosclerosis, angina pectoris, kidney damage, visual damage or even a stroke can occur.

Can High Blood Pressure Be Cured?

with tomatoes against high blood pressure

High blood pressure is a disease that can be treated, but not cured. Once the diagnosis is made, you’ll have to live with it.

Life changes are very important in this case to avoid major harm. Your doctor will recommend changing your diet, getting enough exercise, and other measures. 

  • You can incorporate tomatoes into your diet in different recipes every day. They taste great in salads, sauces or juices! Of course, eating tomatoes is not enough! In general, eat a balanced diet with foods that lower blood pressure.
  • Avoid saturated fat.
  • At the same time, reduce your salt consumption.
  • If your doctor prescribes antihypertensive medication, you’ll need to take them too.
  • Avoid alcohol, tobacco, and stress.
  • Have your blood pressure measured regularly because you won’t notice any symptoms at first.

high blood pressure
  • Exercise at least three times a week. If you are not used to it, you should start gently and seek advice from your doctor. He can help you find the right sport for you.
  • Check your cholesterol levels regularly.

Do not forget that there are also influencing factors that cannot be influenced. These include, for example, age, gender or race. However, if you take preventative measures in good time, you can do a lot for your health!

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