Salad With Chickpeas, Mango And Pomegranate: You Too Can Benefit!

Chickpeas are generally considered to be high in calories, but it just depends on how you combine these legumes. With salads and healthy ingredients, chickpeas can even help you lose weight.

Salad with chickpeas, mango and pomegranate: you too can benefit!

Avoid fast food and ready-made meals, difficult-to-digest and high-fat foods. Add more salads to your eating plan and start living! A salad with chickpeas and fruits is not only healthy but also delicious.

Today we recommend this delicious salad: Discover all the advantages of this salad with chickpeas , mango and pomegranate.

An excellent combination, with an intense taste and exceptional properties that can be optimally used with the main meal.

If you feel like trying this recipe, this post will tell you everything you need to know.

Chickpeas, Mangoes, and Pomegranates: Health and Wellbeing

The first thing you think of under salad is the classic leaf salad with tomatoes. This is also delicious, but a little boring over time.

It is worth trying other combinations. Let your imagination run wild!  Almost all ingredients can be used in salads.

Please note, however, that the salad should not only taste delicious, but also be healthy.

This simple recipe with chickpeas, mango, and pomegranate is great for your cardiovascular health and will also help you lose weight.

It has a strong filling effect, aids digestion  and provides you with important nutrients that keep you fit during the day.

Chickpeas provide you with energy and help you lose weight


Are you amazed that chickpeas can support weight loss?

That only depends on the preparation. Chickpeas are usually prepared together with high-calorie ingredients such as bacon or sausage.

  • It tastes wonderful, but the danger is that it will increase your cholesterol level. However, if you combine chickpeas with mango and pomegranate seeds it tastes delicious and is also healthy!
  • Chickpeas contain valuable fiber that  removes fat from the body. They are also very helpful against constipation and to remove pollutants.
  • In addition, this legume contains lecithin, which helps emulsify fat. This makes it less resistant and can then be broken down more easily.

Pomegranate: healthy for the heart

You have probably never heard the phrase “punicalagin”. It is a highly effective phenol that has a strong antioxidant effect.

  • The pomegranate has more antioxidants than wine and green tea. However, it is a seasonal fruit that is not available all year round.
  • The pomegranate also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. He cares for the stomach and intestines.
  • It is also interesting to know that the pomegranate particularly cares for the heart. This promotes blood circulation, improves the elasticity of the arteries and reduces bad LDL cholesterol.

Mango – delicious and healthy

The mango can be combined in a variety of ways: This fruit tastes delicious with meat, in soups, desserts and also in salads.

It is also called the queen of fruits, because not only its taste, but also its health-promoting properties make it an important part of our diet.

Some of the benefits of this exotic fruit are:

  • Mangoes reduce the cholesterol level:  This is due to the high amount of fiber, including pectin, and the vitamin C. This can reduce the bad LDL cholesterol.
  • Mangoes have an alkaline effect in the body because they contain tartaric acid, malic acid and also a little citric acid.

How is the salad with chickpeas, mango and pomegranate prepared?



  • 1 cup cooked chickpeas (220 g)
  • ½ cup mango (100 g)
  • ½ cup pomegranate seeds (100 g)
  • 5 tablespoons lemon juice (50 ml)
  • ⅔ cup of chopped onions (50 g)
  • 1 pressed clove of garlic
  • 1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger (5 g)


If the chickpeas are already cooked, you will only need a short time to prepare this recipe. Simply mix all ingredients one after the other in a large bowl.

  • Start with the ginger, pressed (or finely chopped) garlic, chopped onion, and lemon juice. You use this to make the marinade.
  • Once these ingredients are well mixed, add the chickpeas, pomegranate seeds, and sliced ​​mango.

Mix everything with a spoon so that the marinade spreads well.

Prepare this delicious salad to promote your health today!

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