What Does The WHO Say About The Connection Between Meat And Cancer?

What is the relationship between the consumption of meat and the development of cancer? Today we see what the World Health Organization is saying about it.

What does the WHO say about the link between meat and cancer?

Today we’re talking about meat and cancer.

Did you know that between 75 and 80% of cancer cases may result from external factors that disturb our organism? According to the Spanish Foundation Against Cancer (AECC), it is likely that our eating habits are one of the reasons for these diseases.

So today we want to tell you what the World Health Organization (WHO) says about the link between meat and cancer .

While the reasons why some people are more prone to developing this disease cannot be precisely identified, various scientific studies suggest that genetics and certain environmental and behavioral elements are the main factors influencing changes in our body cells.

If your parents or other relatives have had certain types of cancer, such as breast or colon cancer, then you may have inherited a predisposition to the disease  .

However, it is important that you be aware that this does not mean that you are developing them as well.

There are also environmental influences and behaviors that can cause malignant cell development.

This includes tobacco or alcohol addiction, or exposure to chemical components such as tobacco smoke or the ultraviolet rays of sunlight.

The Spanish National Institute for Cancer (NCI) describes cancer as a complex of linked diseases in which certain cells in the body begin to grow and multiply in an uncontrolled and uninterrupted manner. This enables the growth of masses known as tumors.

Red meat and processed meat

The WHO describes red meat as any muscle mass derived from the following mammals:

  • Cows
  • Bovine
  • Calves
  • Pigs
  • lambs
  • Goats
  • Horses

As processed meat, it describes that which has been transformed after separation from the animal’s body. This includes processes such as:

  • Salting
  • Curing
  • Fermentation
  • Incense

Most of the meats processed come from animals such as beef and pork. However, they are also found in poultry, products made from blood, offal and red meat. Some clear examples of this are:

  • hot dog
  • ham
  • Preserved meat
  • Dried meat
  • Canned meat
  • Meat sauces

Meat and cancer

A study carried out by the WHO shows that even if the evidence suggests that the consumption of red meat and the development of colorectal cancer are limited, this agent is in group 2A . This describes itself as  possibly carcinogenic for humans.

Minced meat hamburgers

On the other hand, this institution explains that the frequent consumption of processed meat is carcinogenic for humans. That is why this agent was included in what is known as Group 1:  carcinogenic for humans. 

According to the report, ” This classification is based on sufficient evidence from epidemiological studies showing that consumption of processed meat causes colorectal cancer .”

Important Information

It is necessary that you are aware that long and continuous consumption of processed meat has been included in Group 1. This is due to the evidence that this risk may exist, not an estimate of the degree of risk.

Relationship between eating meat and developing cancer

According to estimates from its Total Disease Exposure Project, WHO affirms that diets rich in processed meat are responsible for approximately 34,000 cancer deaths worldwide each year.

Processed meat consumption is also believed to be a cause of colon cancer and has also been linked to gastric cancer. The evidence for this is not yet clear, it is said.

Colon Cancer Symptoms

They add that if you eat 50 grams of processed meat a day, your risk of developing colon cancer increases by about 18%.

It all depends on a balanced diet

This raised many questions that the WHO ratified in a 2002 recommendation. They recommended reducing the consumption of processed meat to reduce the risk of colon cancer.

This has been sustained by the trials evaluated by their intergovernmental agency, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). 22 experts from 10 countries worked there, analyzing over 800 different studies on cancer in humans.

Some of this work provided information on both types of meat. 700 epidemiological analyzes provided data on red meat and 400 on processed meat.

After reviewing the information, the best recommendation is to reduce your consumption of these products. That is why it is important to pay attention to a balanced diet that provides the body with all the necessary nutrients.

When in doubt, consult a nutritionist. This allows you to nourish yourself in a way that meets the special needs of your organism. This leads to a process specifically designed for your purposes.

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