Don’t Throw It Away: You Can Do So Much With The Peel Of Some Types Of Fruit!

The inedible peel of fruit is not always immediately garbage. Read what you can use them for!

Don't throw it away: you can do so much with the peel of some types of fruit!

The banana peel is a classic for us for the “natural one-way packaging” of fruit. There are recipes in which the peel of citrus fruits is still used, but usually the peel ends up in the garbage after the fruit is enjoyed.

It doesn’t have to be! We have ideas for you!

Delicious fruit tea made from the skin of various types of fruit

Pick up the peels of apples, pineapples, citrus fruits, pears and other tasty fruits and dry them for tea!

It’s easy if you thread them on a piece of string and hang them up in a dry place to dry.

Alternatively, you can also clamp a wooden spoon in the oven door and dry the bowls in the oven at around 80 ° C fan-assisted air. Once they are dry, cut them into small pieces with good kitchen scissors and use them to brew a delicious tea!

Important: If you use any fruit whole, i.e. if you keep the peel for consumption, it must be organically grown, it should be healthy and non-toxic!

In conventional cultivation and trade, the peel of fruits is treated not only with pesticides, but also with fungicides so that the fruits do not start to mold on their way from the tree to the store (and during the sometimes long storage).

To give the fruits an attractive shine, everything is sealed with a layer of wax.

This is especially the case with citrus fruits. And you’d drink or eat all of that. Good Appetite! Therefore, please only ever use organically grown fruit.

Banana peel

Free flower fertilizer

Instead of throwing the banana peel in the organic waste, your balcony flowers use it as fertilizer! Simply cut the bowl into small pieces with a knife or scissors and rake it under the potting soil in a box or bucket.

The shells rot very quickly in the earth, releasing mainly potassium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphate, sodium and silica to the soil.

Other minerals and trace elements, such as lime, are also contained in banana peel. However, it does not contain all of the nutrients that plants need.

Banana peels cannot replace a full-fledged garden fertilizer, but they are a practical and completely free addition.

Inexpensive shoe polish

No shoe polish to hand and the shoes need to be cleaned? No problem! Smooth leather shoes can be quickly brightened up with the banana peel left over from breakfast !

tender meat with banana peel

Tenderizers for meat

The much-described enzymes also help tenderize meat. If you search the Internet, you will find some, mainly Southeast Asian and African recipes in which the meat is wrapped in banana peel before cooking. So it stays juicy and becomes tender.

Orange peel

Natural room fragrance

There are many different products on the market to change or “improve” the air in your household. Some products are supposed to “cleanse the air of bad smells”, others “provide relaxation”, and still others provide “fresh air in the toilet”.

Such products are not always uncritical for your health. There are so many good alternatives from nature that work just as well as chemicals from the spray bottle – and do not harm your health!

Plus, they’re completely free because otherwise you’d throw away the fruit bowls! Just put the citrus peel on the heater. They develop a nice aroma as soon as they dry.

If you bend the dried peel from time to time, the essential oil can escape and it smells fresh again …

Zest of one lemon

Clean hands and nails

If your nails are discolored, for example, from berries or vegetables that color and your hands get stained while gardening or kitchen work (e.g. from dandelions, salsify, beetroot, …), then you can easily clean them with the ones left in the peel of lemons Bleach juice!

Simply rub the lemon peel thoroughly and stains and discolorations will disappear!

coloring Easter eggs

Classic, like grandma’s: if you collect the dry onion skins in a cotton bag all year round  , you will have free paint for your Easter eggs every year at Easter!

The eggs will be particularly deep red-brown if you use brown eggs, but it also works great on white eggs. How about some batik Easter eggs colored with onion skins?

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