3 Simple Make-up Tips To Look Younger

So that the make-up does not make you look older than you actually are, the skin should be relaxed and rested. It is advisable to prepare the skin with a natural mask before applying make-up.

3 simple makeup tips to look younger

Disciples be, we eventually want everyone, but we can not. Looking younger, on the other hand, is possible – and that with very simple make-up tips that we would like to introduce to you.


Radiant look

Above all, it is the eyes that can literally make freshness and youthfulness shine. Our interlocutors also look us straight in the eye (at least they should), which is why we should try to be youthful there.

But it is not always easy, bags under the eyes, dark circles under the eyes and wrinkles look at us from the mirror in the morning. The area around the eyes is very sensitive. Bad and too little sleep or a wet and happy party quickly leave visible traces here.

Because the skin around the eyes is three times as thin as in other parts of the face; Compared to the skin of the body, it is up to six times thinner. What is missing in the eye area is the subcutaneous tissue and firm connective tissue. One first sees an unhealthy lifestyle here.

Fluid often accumulates in the rather delicate vessel walls on the lower eyelid and spreads. Puffy bags under the eyes develop. Cucumber slices are the all-time classic, but they really help.

Important: The cucumber should come out of the fridge well chilled! Allow the slices to act on the eyes for 20 minutes and replace with fresh, cooler slices if necessary.

Ice-cold tea bags of black or green tea also help reduce puffy eyes. To do this, put one tea bag for each eye in the refrigerator after cooking.

Keeping two spoons in the refrigerator at all times is not a bad idea. If you discover puffy eyes when looking in the mirror in the morning, all you have to do is take the spoons out of the fridge and gently press your eyes until the spoons are no longer cold .

Dark areas under and around the eyes should be covered with a little concealer. Then apply a light eye shadow, perhaps light gray or silver, apply the lashes – and your alert, youthful look is ready!

Make up

Rosy cheeks

Beautiful, round cheeks like a teenager – we would like to see them again – and that without silicone pads and cosmetic surgery! This is of course not really possible, but there is a visual trick to make the cheeks look plumper and younger .

Pink tones or blush tones tending towards apricot make you look younger. Orange or red tones make you old and grown up.

To make up youthful “apple cheeks”, only apply the powder blush (no cream rouge, it quickly looks old-fashioned!) On the cheeks that form when you smile in front of the mirror. Gently spread outwards.

A little rouge powder on the hairline of the forehead and chin bring even more youthful freshness to the face. So that the skin becomes rosier, fresher and younger, always moisturise it well inside and out.

Drinking enough and getting enough moisture through facial care is important in order to maintain a beautiful complexion. A healthy lifestyle with enough sleep, no alcohol and no smoking is also reflected in a beautiful complexion!


Kiss mouth to look younger

The older we get, the more wrinkles form around our mouth. And then the lipstick likes to run in and our lip contours look “frayed” and not as youthful as we would like.

Therefore, as soon as the first wrinkles appear around the lips, you should first trace the contours on the inside with lip liner before you then paint the lips with the lipstick. This ensures clear contours and does not draw attention to the wrinkles on the mouth.

When applying make-up, opt for just one highlight on your face. Either lips OR eyes. You know your strengths! Emphasized eyes and an accentuated mouth look slightly covered with makeup – and that makes you old.

The more natural your look, the more youthful you appear. If it should be the mouth that you want to emphasize, then it can also be a strong red.

If the eyes are allowed to radiate joie de vivre and a youthful heart, the lips should take a back seat, so it’s better to choose a transparent color or apricot tones.

The general rule is: less is more! A delicate foundation or BB cream is enough to make your complexion even. The more make-up on your face, the older you look.

And be careful: some products, such as too much powder, can get stuck in such a way that they even emphasize wrinkles instead of concealing them! So: Be critical of your own reflection, if in doubt, take one product and one color less!

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