6 Tips Against Acne

To flush toxins from the body and get rid of acne, you must first take care of your skin. However, pay attention to your diet and make sure you drink enough fluids.

6 tips against acne

The majority of people only struggle with acne during puberty, after which the unsightly pimples usually go away. But in some cases it can happen in adulthood. Check out today’s article for some helpful acne tips. 

Acne can occur in adults due to  hormonal causes or certain lifestyle habits. Various measures are very helpful in getting rid of the pimples. Read on to benefit from our  tips against acne  as well. 

How does acne develop?

Before you put our tips against acne into practice, we’ll explain how it happens. Acne is a skin problem that is commonly associated with pimples, blackheads, red spots, and sores.

When the sweat glands work too actively, acne can occur. The activity of the glands increases the accumulation of sebum, dead cells and bacteria on the skin. This in turn inflames the pores and develops acne.

Tips against acne

You need to take your time and groom yourself thoroughly if you want to get rid of those unsightly pimples. The following tips against acne can help you:

1. Water

Tips against acne: water

You should drink 2 liters of water a day. This allows the toxins to be flushed out of the body and cells. Water removes toxins  from the body through sweat and urine.

Don’t forget: it is estimated that 72% of the skin is made up of water!

2. Watch your diet

Diet has a direct impact on skin health. Natural and organic foods also nourish and beautify the skin. Avoid  foods that are high in sugar, white flour, refined oils, or saturated fat.

Products such as sugared corn flakes, pasta, milk chocolate, industrially manufactured baked goods, cookies, jam have a negative effect because they

  • promote the appearance of acne,
  • increase blood sugar levels,
  • alter androgen production and
  • make the skin more oily.

3. Make-up

Woman with beautiful skin who uses our tips against acne

The idea of ​​leaving the house without makeup seems impossible for some women. Various beauty products bring out facial features better and make them attractive. Make-up can emphasize an elegant, modern, delicate and sophisticated look. However, you should also consider the following points:

  • Use high quality products
  • that match your skin type!
  • Take care of your makeup every night.
  • Give your skin time to recover from the makeup at least once a week.

4. Proper facial care

Good, adequate facial care is essential to keeping skin smooth and pure.

You should therefore wash your face regularly with warm water and neutral soap if you want to get rid of acne.

Your make-up remover should also be tailored to your skin type and work gently. Remove the remains of the make-up with a clean, soft towel. In this way, oily residues can be optimally removed and skin irritations avoided.

It is also advisable to use a peeling once a week. There is a large selection of conventional products, but we recommend a homemade scrub with papaya, rose water or yoghurt.

5. Get enough sleep!

Tips against acne: get enough sleep!

8 hours of sleep a day relax the body optimally. At the same time, a lot of sleep helps detoxify the skin. If you don’t sleep as much as your body needs, the skin cannot renew itself.

Getting enough sleep will help you

  • Get rid of acne,
  • avoid dark circles and
  • improve your concentration and performance.

If you can’t get 8 hours of sleep a night, try taking several naps a day. A 20-minute siesta is ideal!

6. Take a close look at your medication

Sometimes acne is not caused by lack of sleep or poor diet, but rather because of the side effects of certain drugs. For example, contraceptives often trigger acne. 

Before you stop taking medication on your own, please discuss it with your doctor. Sometimes acne occurs only in the first few weeks, when the body gets used to certain active ingredients.

However, if the problem doesn’t get better after a few weeks, inquire about an alternative.

Healthy habits

Woman needs tips against acne

Many people throw in the towel at the slightest resistance. If you want to get rid of acne, it takes time and patience to care for yourself appropriately. You can get excellent results soon!

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